我们在为 .Net 和 J2EE 编写的所有业务 Web 应用程序中生成动态报告。在服务器端,我们使用 ActiveReports.Net 和 JasperReports 来生成报告。然后我们将它们导出为 PDF 以发送到浏览器。

我们的客户都使用 Adob​​e Reader。对于不同版本的 Adob​​e Reader 以及它们在客户端上的设置方式,我们遇到了无穷无尽的问题。

其他人在动态报告中使用什么文件格式/阅读器?我们需要一些允许精确布局的东西,因为许多报告都是使用来自外部系统的数据打印的表格。HTML 不够表达。


3 回答 3


为此,我使用了 SQL Reporting Services。您可以在 Visual Studio 中设计报告模板或在代码中动态生成报告的 XML。然后,您可以让 SSRS 将报告导出为大约 10 种不同的格式并发送到客户端,包括 pdf、excel、html 等。您也可以编写自己的插件以导出为自己的格式。

Crystal Reports 有一个类似的产品,价格更高,但报表设计器更好。

于 2008-09-05T16:12:35.157 回答

I've always had the most success using PDFs to accomplish this. I can't think of a more universally acceptable format that does what you are trying to do. Rather than looking for another format, perhaps it would be better to try to understand how to overcome the problems that you are experiencing with Acrobat on the client side. Can you provide some more information on the types of problems that you are experiencing with Acrobat?

于 2008-09-05T17:55:35.690 回答

I does know only 3(4) possible viewer(formats) for reporting in browser.

  • PDF
  • Flash
  • Java
  • (Silverlihgt)

For all 3 there are reporting solutions. Silverlight are to new and I does not know a solution. You can test how flash and Java in your intranet work and then search a reporting solution. I think PDF should be made the few problems if you use the newest readers. The old readers has many bad bugs.

于 2008-09-19T22:58:51.687 回答