我正在尝试从 API 填充 XML 数据但得到 Null。我尝试了一些来自 stackoverflow 的解决方案,这是我最新的迭代。为什么我在按下按钮后没有将 XML 数据填充到我的应用程序中?我没有收到任何错误消息。我把它分成两个类。一个类具有 UI 并将用户输入的字符串分隔到为 URL 正确格式化的两个字段中,并具有 AsyncTask。另一个类具有 URL 实例并执行。


我知道 url 格式正确,因为我在最后一个上尝试了 println 并从控制台单击它,它转到了正确的 xml。我使用的测试地址是(街道:2114 Bigelow Ave / zip:98109)这是代码:




public class GetProperty {

    public String address;
    //URL with ZWSID
    public static final String myURL = "http://www.zillow.com/webservice/GetDeepSearchResults.htm?zws-id=[REMOVED ID]";
    public String finalUrl;
    String line;
    private static final boolean DEBUG = true;

    public GetProperty(String address) {
        this.address = address;
        finalUrl = myURL + address;
        System.out.println("The FINAL URL string is: " + finalUrl);
        line = "";


    public void load() throws MalformedURLException, IOException
        //Create URL with address from above
        URL  url = new URL(finalUrl);

        //URLConnection connection = url.openConnection();
        InputStream stream = url.openStream();
        BufferedReader br;

            br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream));

            // consume any data remaining in the input stream
            while (br.readLine() != null) {
               line = line + br.readLine(); }



        catch (IOException e)


    public String getLine() {
        return line;



public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    EditText getStreetET;
    EditText getZipET;
    Button getInfoBTN;
    TextView xmlTextView;

    String streetAddress;
    String zipAddress;
    String userAddress;
    GetProperty property;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        getStreetET = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.editText);
        getZipET = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.editText2);
        xmlTextView = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.textView);
        getInfoBTN = (Button) findViewById(R.id.button);

        //Get information about address user typed in edit text when BUTTON is clicked
        getInfoBTN.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View view) {
                //Get text from user and change it to a string
                streetAddress = getStreetET.getText().toString();
                //Add a + sign wherever there is a space in the street address
                streetAddress = streetAddress.replaceAll(" ", "+");
                //adding &address= for the URL
                streetAddress = "&address=" + streetAddress;

                zipAddress = "&citystatezip=" + getZipET.getText().toString();

                //Combine street & zip into one string address
                userAddress = streetAddress + zipAddress;
                System.out.println("The user address without the URL is: " + userAddress);

                //Make sure the user actually typed something
                if(!containsWhiteSpace(userAddress)) {
                    getAddressInfoTask addressTask = new getAddressInfoTask();


                //Test if user typed in correct address?
                else {


    public static boolean containsWhiteSpace(String userAddress) {
        if (!hasLength(userAddress)) {
            return false;
        int strLen = userAddress.length();
        for (int i = 0; i < strLen; i++) {
            if (Character.isWhitespace(userAddress.charAt(i))) {
                return true;
        return false;

    public static boolean hasLength(String userAddress) {
        return (userAddress != null && userAddress.length() > 0);

    //AsyncTask for separate thread due to internet connection
    private class getAddressInfoTask extends AsyncTask<String, Void, GetProperty>

        protected GetProperty doInBackground(String... params)

            property = new GetProperty(userAddress);
            catch (IOException e)

            return property;

        protected void onPostExecute(GetProperty property)
            //Place the XML in the TextView


1 回答 1


我尝试了将变量finalUrl设置为的您的代码https://www.google.com,它设法在应用程序中打印了 xml。因此,您的代码的检索部分有效。

然后,我尝试了一个基于此博客的请求,并直接在浏览器上使用您的 API 密钥(您建议不要共享它),如下所示:


响应是 xml 格式的,但它显示以下内容:

Error: this account is not authorized to execute this API call

您的代码上完全相同的请求会给出响应null。这是因为错误流和正常流不一样。当 Chrome 发现正常流为空但编码器必须手动执行时,Chrome 可以在窗口上路由错误。

PS:你应该先使用邮递员来测试 API 上的请求。然后在你确定它有效的 url 上测试它之后在你的程序上测试它。

于 2017-09-09T17:22:48.917 回答