我正在将一个非常基本的 js 函数改编成一个类。无论如何,基本上它只是在主页上方创建一个浮动容器。我知道它不完整,但我正在输入它,并且在尝试调用 close() 函数时不断被抓住。Firefox 返回 athis.sdiv
未定义。我很困惑当 close() 是 Pop 的方法并且 sdiv 是在 Pop 类的第一行中定义的情况下怎么会出现这种情况?
function Pop( wpx,hpx ){
// start with the invisible screen, which
// covers the main page
this.sdiv = document.createElement("DIV")
this.sdiv.className = "popScreen";
this.sdiv.id = "popScreen";
// this screen covers the full document, so
// base dimensions on the document size
this.sdiv.style.width = document.body.clientWidth + "px";
this.sdiv.style.height = document.body.clientHeight + "px";
document.body.appendChild( this.sdiv );
// attach drop shadow
this.shadow = document.createElement("DIV");
this.shadow.className = "popShadow";
this.shadow.style.width = wpx + "px";
this.shadow.style.height = hpx + "px";
this.shadow.style.left = ( ( window.innerWidth / 2 ) - ( wpx / 2 ) ) + "px";
this.shadow.style.top = ( ( window.innerHeight / 2 ) - ( hpx / 2 ) ) + "px";
document.body.appendChild( this.shadow );
this.pdiv = document.createElement("DIV");
this.pdiv.className = "pop";
this.pdiv.id = "pop";
this.pdiv.style.position = "absolute";
this.pdiv.style.width = wpx + "px";
this.pdiv.style.height = hpx + "px";
this.shadow.appendChild( this.pdiv );
// bind an event to the screen div so that when it is clicked
// the Pop dialogue is closed and the user is return to the main page
$("div#popScreen").click( function( ){
Pop.prototype.close( );
} );
Pop.prototype.go = function( url, method, data ){
if( method == null )
$("div#pop").load( url );
Pop.prototype.close = function( ){
this.sdiv.parentNode.removeChild( this.sdiv );
this.shadow.parentNode.removeChild( this.shadow );
this.pdiv.parentNode.removeChild( this.pdiv );