是否可以创建一个 aws 子帐户,创建一个内部带有 vpn 的 vpc,并通过 vpc 对等互连与其他 aws 子帐户共享此连接?我的研究表明这应该是不可能的,但我想仔细检查。是否有其他选项可以与多个帐户/vpc 共享 vpn 连接?直接连接可以解决这个问题吗?

干杯 bin2hex


2 回答 2


Looks like AWS added support for cross account VPC peering recently.

VPC Peering

You can create a VPC peering connection between your own VPCs, or with a VPC in another AWS account. In both cases, the VPCs must be in the same region.

Cross Account VPC Peering list the steps to create it.

If you want to use CLI: aws ec2 create-vpc-peering-connection

Requests a VPC peering connection between two VPCs: a requester VPC that you own and a peer VPC with which to create the connection. The peer VPC can belong to another AWS account. The requester VPC and peer VPC cannot have overlapping CIDR blocks.

于 2017-09-07T02:17:34.050 回答

感谢您提供有关 vpc 对等互连的提示。经过一些研究,在我看来,您可以对等 vpc,但我的目标是拥有一个带有 vpc 的“共享帐户”,其中 vpn 连接到我们的私有云。据我了解,只能将 vpn 与一些肮脏的黑客行为(如 nat 或 socks 代理)一起使用。万一我错了,有一个干净又好的解决方案会很棒。



于 2017-09-07T09:24:31.630 回答