所以我正在使用浏览器同步代理 MAMP SSL 服务器,我无法终生弄清楚为什么它不会流式传输我的 css 更改或重新加载 javascript。如果我不通过 MAMP 使用 https,我当前的配置就可以正常工作。任何帮助或指示将不胜感激。
这是我的 Gulp 配置:
function server(done) {
port: PORT,
proxy: {
target: PROXY,
logLevel: 'debug',
function watch() {
gulp.watch('src/scss/**/*.scss').on('all', sass);
gulp.watch('src/js/**/*.js').on('all', gulp.series(javascript, browser.reload));
其中端口是 8000(可能并不重要,因为让浏览器同步自动选择它并没有改变任何东西)并且代理是https://mysite.dev
另外,我的 gulp sass 函数管道到browsersync.stream
, 澄清。
[13:10:28] Starting 'server'...
[BS] [debug] -> Starting Step: Finding an empty port
[13:10:28] Finished 'server' after 19 ms
[13:10:28] Starting 'watch'...
[BS] [debug] Found a free port: 3000
[BS] [debug] Setting Option: port - 3000
[BS] [debug] + Step Complete: Finding an empty port
[BS] [debug] -> Starting Step: Getting an extra port for Proxy
[BS] [debug] + Step Complete: Getting an extra port for Proxy
[BS] [debug] -> Starting Step: Checking online status
[BS] [debug] Resolved www.google.com, setting online: true
[BS] [debug] Setting Option: online - true
[BS] [debug] + Step Complete: Checking online status
[BS] [debug] -> Starting Step: Resolve user plugins from options
[BS] [debug] + Step Complete: Resolve user plugins from options
[BS] [debug] -> Starting Step: Set Urls and other options that rely on port/online status
[BS] [debug] Setting multiple Options
[BS] [debug] + Step Complete: Set Urls and other options that rely on port/online status
[BS] [debug] -> Starting Step: Setting Internal Events
[BS] [debug] + Step Complete: Setting Internal Events
[BS] [debug] -> Starting Step: Setting file watchers
[BS] [debug] + Step Complete: Setting file watchers
[BS] [debug] -> Starting Step: Merging middlewares from core + plugins
[BS] [debug] Setting Option: middleware - List []
[BS] [debug] + Step Complete: Merging middlewares from core + plugins
[BS] [debug] -> Starting Step: Starting the Server
[BS] [debug] Proxy running, proxing: https://districtplus.dev:8890
[BS] [debug] Running mode: PROXY
[BS] [debug] + Step Complete: Starting the Server
[BS] [debug] -> Starting Step: Starting the HTTPS Tunnel
[BS] [debug] + Step Complete: Starting the HTTPS Tunnel
[BS] [debug] -> Starting Step: Starting the web-socket server
[BS] [debug] Setting Option: clientEvents - List [ "scroll", "scroll:element", "input:text", "input:toggles", "form:submit", "form:reset", "click" ]
[BS] [debug] + Step Complete: Starting the web-socket server
[BS] [debug] -> Starting Step: Starting the UI
[BS] [debug] Setting Option: session - 1504721428890
[BS] [UI] Starting Step: Setting default plugins
[BS] [UI] Step Complete: Setting default plugins
[BS] [UI] Starting Step: Finding a free port
[BS] [UI] Step Complete: Finding a free port
[BS] [UI] Starting Step: Setting options also relevant to UI from BS
[BS] [UI] Step Complete: Setting options also relevant to UI from BS
[BS] [UI] Starting Step: Setting available URLS for UI
[BS] [debug] Getting option via path: urls
[BS] [UI] Step Complete: Setting available URLS for UI
[BS] [UI] Starting Step: Starting the Control Panel Server
[BS] [UI] Using port 3001
[BS] [UI] Step Complete: Starting the Control Panel Server
[BS] [UI] Starting Step: Add element events
[BS] [UI] Step Complete: Add element events
[BS] [UI] Starting Step: Registering default plugins
[BS] [UI] Step Complete: Registering default plugins
[BS] [UI] Starting Step: Add options setting event
[BS] [UI] Step Complete: Add options setting event
[BS] [debug] + Step Complete: Starting the UI
[BS] [debug] -> Starting Step: Merge UI settings
[BS] [debug] Setting Option: urls - Map { "local": "https://localhost:3000", "external": "", "ui": "http://localhost:3001", "ui-external": "" }
[BS] [debug] + Step Complete: Merge UI settings
[BS] [debug] -> Starting Step: Init user plugins
[BS] [debug] Setting Option: userPlugins -
[BS] [debug] + Step Complete: Init user plugins
[Browsersync] Proxying: https://districtplus.dev:8890
[Browsersync] Access URLs:
Local: https://localhost:3000
UI: http://localhost:3001
UI External: