I need to create a function that replaces a letter with the letter 13 letters after it in the alphabet (without using encode). I'm relatively new to Python so it has taken me a while to figure out a way to do this without using Encode.
Here's what I have so far. When I use this to type in a normal word like "hello" it works but if I pass through a sentence with special characters I can't figure out how to JUST include letters of the alphabet and skip numbers, spaces or special characters completely.
def rot13(b):
b = b.lower()
a = [chr(i) for i in range(ord('a'),ord('z')+1)]
c = []
d = []
x = a[0:13]
for i in b:
for i in c:
if i <= 13:
elif i > 13:
y = len(a[i:])
z = len(x)- y
e = ''.join(d)
return e
I tried using .isalpha() but this doesn't seem to be working for me - characters are duplicating for some reason when I use it. Is the following format correct:
def rot13(b):
b1 = b.lower()
a = [chr(i) for i in range(ord('a'),ord('z')+1)]
c = []
d = []
x = a[0:13]
for i in b1:
if i.isalpha():
for i in c:
if i <= 12:
elif i > 12:
y = len(a[i:])
z = len(x)- y
if message[0].istitle() == True:
d[0] = d[0].upper()
e = ''.join(d)
return e