By default, UI Path stores all the logs into %LocalAppData%/UiPath/Logs folder. I would like the logs to be stored in my desired location. Anybody know how to change this default setting? Please help me with your inputs.
Thanks in advance...
在 UiPath Studio 2020.10.4 中,您可以从名为:UiPath.Studio.Analyzer.exe.config 的文件中修改此设置,该文件的位置为:
C:\Users\{User Name}\AppData\Local\UiPath\app-20.10.4
变量名="StudioLoggingDirectory" 值="${specialfolder:folder=LocalApplicationData}/UiPath/Logs"
可以通过编辑 UIPath 安装程序文件夹中的 NLog.config 文件来覆盖默认日志设置。
但这将更新环境中运行的所有 BOT 的默认设置,而不是单独更新特定的 BOT。