我很难理解为什么下面的每个示例都有效或无效,更抽象地说,归纳如何与战术与 Isar 相互作用。我正在使用最新的 Isabelle/HOL(2016-1)在 Windows 10 上的 Isabelle/HOL(2016 年 12 月)编程和证明 4.3
有 8 种情况:引理是长的(包括明确的名称)或短的、结构化的(使用assumes
and shows
theory Confusing_Induction
imports Main
(* 4.3 *)
inductive ev :: " nat ⇒ bool " where
ev0: " ev 0 " |
evSS: " ev n ⟹ ev (n + 2) "
fun evn :: " nat ⇒ bool " where
" evn 0 = True " |
" evn (Suc 0) = False " |
" evn (Suc (Suc n)) = evn n "
1. 结构化短引理和结构化证明
(* Hangs/gets stuck/loops on the following *)
lemma assumes a: " ev (Suc(Suc m)) " shows" ev m "
proof(induction "Suc (Suc m)" arbitrary: " m " rule: ev.induct)
2. 非结构化短引理和结构化证明
(* And this one ends up having issues with
"Illegal application of proof command in state mode" *)
lemma " ev (Suc (Suc m)) ⟹ ev m "
proof(induction " Suc (Suc m) " arbitrary: " m " rule: ev.induct)
case ev0
then show ?case sorry
case (evSS n)
then show ?case sorry
3. 结构化长引理和结构化证明
(* And neither of these can apply the induction *)
lemma assumes a1: " ev n " and a2: " n = (Suc (Suc m)) " shows " ev m "
proof (induction " n " arbitrary: " m " rule: ev.induct)
lemma assumes a1: " n = (Suc (Suc m)) " and a2: "ev n " shows " ev m "
proof (induction " n " arbitrary: " m " rule: ev.induct)
(* But this one can ?! *)
lemma assumes a1: " ev n " and a2: " n = (Suc (Suc m)) " shows " ev m "
proof -
from a1 and a2 show " ev m "
proof (induction " n " arbitrary: " m " rule: ev.induct)
case ev0
then show ?case by simp
case (evSS n) thus ?case by simp
4. 非结构化长引理和结构化证明
(* And this is the manually expanded form of the Advanced Rule Induciton from 4.4.6 *)
lemma tmp: " ev n ⟹ n = (Suc (Suc m)) ⟹ ev m "
proof (induction " n " arbitrary: " m " rule: ev.induct)
case ev0 thus ?case by simp
case (evSS n) thus ?case by simp
lemma " ev (Suc (Suc m)) ⟹ ev m "
using tmp by blast
(* Also gets stuck/hangs *)
lemma assumes a: " ev (Suc (Suc m)) " shows " ev m "
apply(induction "Suc (Suc m)" arbitrary: " m " rule: ev.induct)
6. 非结构化短引理和非结构化证明
(* This goes through no problem (``arbitrary: " m "`` seems to be optional, why?) *)
lemma " ev (Suc(Suc m)) ⟹ ev m "
apply(induction "Suc (Suc m)" arbitrary: " m " rule: ev.induct)
7. 结构化长引理和非结构化证明
(* But both of these "fail to apply the proof method" *)
lemma assumes a1: " n = (Suc (Suc m)) " and a2: " ev n" shows " ev m "
apply(induction " n " arbitrary: " m " rule: ev.induct)
lemma assumes a1: " ev n " and a2: " n = (Suc (Suc m)) " shows " ev m "
apply(induction " n " arbitrary: " m " rule: ev.induct)
8. 非结构化长引理和非结构化证明
lemma " ev n ⟹ n = (Suc (Suc m)) ⟹ ev m "
apply(induction " n " arbitrary: " m " rule: ev.induct)