我需要使用 4 个后台工作人员在特定坐标上并行移动 4 个对象,即一起启动它们并一起停止它们。
我写了一个循环来循环 50 次,每次我需要启动工人并且在他们完成他们的工作之后,就像Do_Work()
public void Genetic_Algorithm(List<int[,]> population)
DateTime startT = DateTime.Now.Date;
double[,] FitnessValue = new double[6, 2]; // for all five chromosome we store two Values the Fitness Value and the Fitness Ratio
int[] RouletteWheel = new int[6];
int round = 0;
for (geneticIteration = 0; geneticIteration < 50; geneticIteration++)
round = geneticIteration + 1;
// Calculate the fitness Function and the Fitness Ratio
FitnessFunction(population); // Fitness Function
MessageBox.Show("Press Again");
public void FitnessFunction(List<int[,]> population)
extractPath(population, geneticIteration);
auv0Genetic.RunWorkerAsync(); // start obj # 1
auv1Genetic.RunWorkerAsync(); // start obj # 2
auv2Genetic.RunWorkerAsync(); // start obj # 3
auv3Genetic.RunWorkerAsync(); // start obj # 4
它们是 4Do_Work()
个后台工作人员的 4 种方法,以下是其中之一:
private void auv0Genetic_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
List<PointF> genetic2DLayerPath1 = new List<PointF>(); // from chromosome 1
List<PointF> genetic2DLayerPath2 = new List<PointF>(); // from chromosome 2
List<PointF> genetic2DLayerPath3 = new List<PointF>(); // from chromosome 3
List<PointF> genetic2DLayerPath4 = new List<PointF>(); // from chromosome 4
List<PointF> genetic2DLayerPath5 = new List<PointF>(); // from chromosome 5
List<PointF> genetic2DLayerPath6 = new List<PointF>(); // from chromosome 6
countNumOfPaths = 0;
float[] xPoints = new float[1];
float[] yPoints = new float[1];
foreach (int[,] arr in pathChromosom1)
Point3D pointIn3D = new Point3D(cellsCenters[0, arr[0, 0]], cellsCenters[1, arr[1, 0]], 700);
PointF pointIn2D = Project(pointIn3D); // convert to 2D
foreach (int[,] arr in pathChromosom2)
Point3D pointIn3D = new Point3D(cellsCenters[0, arr[0, 0]], cellsCenters[1, arr[1, 0]], 700);
PointF pointIn2D = Project(pointIn3D); // convert to 2D
foreach (int[,] arr in pathChromosom3)
Point3D pointIn3D = new Point3D(cellsCenters[0, arr[0, 0]], cellsCenters[1, arr[1, 0]], 700);
PointF pointIn2D = Project(pointIn3D); // convert to 2D
foreach (int[,] arr in pathChromosom4)
Point3D pointIn3D = new Point3D(cellsCenters[0, arr[0, 0]], cellsCenters[1, arr[1, 0]], 700);
PointF pointIn2D = Project(pointIn3D); // convert to 2D
foreach (int[,] arr in pathChromosom5)
Point3D pointIn3D = new Point3D(cellsCenters[0, arr[0, 0]], cellsCenters[1, arr[1, 0]], 700);
PointF pointIn2D = Project(pointIn3D); // convert to 2D
foreach (int[,] arr in pathChromosom6)
Point3D pointIn3D = new Point3D(cellsCenters[0, arr[0, 0]], cellsCenters[1, arr[1, 0]], 700);
PointF pointIn2D = Project(pointIn3D); // convert to 2D
int counter = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
if (i == 0) // first chromosome
xPoints = new float[genetic2DLayerPath1.Count()];
yPoints = new float[genetic2DLayerPath1.Count()];
auv[0].auvDepth = 700;
foreach(PointF p in genetic2DLayerPath1)
xPoints[counter] = p.X;
yPoints[counter] = p.Y;
counter = 0;
if (i == 1) // second chromosome
xPoints = new float[genetic2DLayerPath2.Count()];
yPoints = new float[genetic2DLayerPath2.Count()];
auv[0].auvDepth = 700;
foreach (PointF p in genetic2DLayerPath2)
xPoints[counter] = p.X;
yPoints[counter] = p.Y;
counter = 0;
if (i == 2) // third chromosome
xPoints = new float[genetic2DLayerPath3.Count()];
yPoints = new float[genetic2DLayerPath3.Count()];
auv[0].auvDepth = 700;
foreach (PointF p in genetic2DLayerPath3)
xPoints[counter] = p.X;
yPoints[counter] = p.Y;
counter = 0;
if (i == 3) // fourth chromosome
xPoints = new float[genetic2DLayerPath4.Count()];
yPoints = new float[genetic2DLayerPath4.Count()];
auv[0].auvDepth = 700;
foreach (PointF p in genetic2DLayerPath4)
xPoints[counter] = p.X;
yPoints[counter] = p.Y;
counter = 0;
if (i == 4) // fifth chromosome
xPoints = new float[genetic2DLayerPath5.Count()];
yPoints = new float[genetic2DLayerPath5.Count()];
auv[0].auvDepth = 700;
foreach (PointF p in genetic2DLayerPath5)
xPoints[counter] = p.X;
yPoints[counter] = p.Y;
counter = 0;
if (i == 5) // sixth chromosome
xPoints = new float[genetic2DLayerPath6.Count()];
yPoints = new float[genetic2DLayerPath6.Count()];
auv[0].auvDepth = 700;
foreach (PointF p in genetic2DLayerPath6)
xPoints[counter] = p.X;
yPoints[counter] = p.Y;
counter = 0;
counter = 0;
while (countNumOfPaths != 2)
Thread.Sleep(900); // assume that it represents the speed of the AUV which is in our case = 3 m/s as each meter equal to 300 seconds in thread.sleep()
if (auv0Genetic.CancellationPending)
e.Cancel = true;
if (forward)
if (counter == xPoints.Length - 1)
backward = true;
forward = false;
auv[0].auvX = xPoints[counter];
auv[0].auvY = yPoints[counter];
if (backward)
if (counter == 0)
backward = false;
forward = true;
auv[0].auvX = xPoints[counter];
auv[0].auvY = yPoints[counter];
//////////////////////// Draw ///////////////////////////
iSetupDisplay = 0;
if (iSetupDisplay != -1)
iSetupDisplay += 10;
if (iSetupDisplay >= topology.Width)
iSetupDisplay = -1;
此 BackgroundWorker 当前很忙,无法同时运行多个任务。
注意:我每次都尝试创建新的后台工作人员,但它不能正常工作,并且当我声明 50x4 后台工作人员时,我的执行没有响应!!
private System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker auv0Genetic;
private System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker auv1Genetic;
private System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker auv2Genetic;
private System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker auv3Genetic;
this.auv0Genetic = new System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker();
this.auv1Genetic = new System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker();
this.auv2Genetic = new System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker();
this.auv3Genetic = new System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker();