I am trying to get dagger working in my application. After creating Module Component and MyApp i can use dagger to inject database service into view but i am having trouble doing same thing with presenter. Code:
class MyApp : Application() {
var daoComponent: DaoComponent? = null
private set
override fun onCreate() {
daoComponent = DaggerDaoComponent.builder()
.appModule(AppModule(this)) // This also corresponds to the name of your module: %component_name%Module
class DaoModule {
fun providesEstateService(): EstateService = EstateServiceImpl()
@Component(modules = arrayOf(AppModule::class, DaoModule::class))
interface DaoComponent {
fun inject(activity: MainActivity)
class AppModule(internal var mApplication: Application) {
internal fun providesApplication(): Application {
return mApplication
class MainActivity : MvpActivity<MainView, MainPresenter>(), MainView {
lateinit var estateService : EstateService
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
(application as MyApp).daoComponent!!.inject(this)estateService.numberOfInvoicedEstates.toString()
override fun createPresenter(): MainPresenter = MainPresenterImpl()
After injecting estateService this way I can use it, but I cant figure out how do I inject service directly into the presenter. I tried doing it like this but it isn't working. Should I just pass injected objects from the activity? or maybe I should pass MyApp as an argument or make static method allowing my to get it from any place in the application?
class MainPresenterImpl
constructor(): MvpBasePresenter<MainView>(),MainPresenter {
lateinit var estateService : EstateService