Dim m_AllowSendMailEvent As Boolean
Sub SendMail()
If Not m_AllowSendMailEvent Then Exit Sub
'fire event here
End Sub
' Most recently scheduled OnTime event. (Module level variable.)
Dim PendingEventDate As Date
' Indicates whether an event has been set. (Module level variable.)
Dim EventSet As Boolean
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim SendTimeRange As Range
' Change to your range.
Set SendTimeRange = Me.Range("B9")
' If the range that was changed is the same as that which holds
' your date/time field, schedule an OnTime event.
If Target = SendTimeRange Then
' If an event has previously been set AND that time has not yet been
' reached, cancel it. (OnTime will fail if the EarliestTime parameter has
' already elapsed.)
If EventSet And Now > PendingEventDate Then
' Cancel the event.
Application.OnTime PendingEventDate, "SendEmail", , False
End If
' Store the new scheduled OnTime event.
PendingEventDate = SendTimeRange.Value
' Set the new event.
Application.OnTime PendingEventDate, "SendEmail"
' Indicate that an event has been set.
EventSet = True
End If
End Sub
Sub SendEmail()
'add your proc here
End Sub