我将 Midnight Commander 安装到我的 Cygwin 环境中,但它不起作用。谁能帮我弄清楚出了什么问题?
$ mc
Error opening terminal: xterm.
$ mc -U
Error opening terminal: xterm.
以下是 的版本信息mc
$ mc -V
GNU Midnight Commander 4.6.1
Virtual File System: tarfs, extfs, cpiofs, ftpfs, fish
With builtin Editor
Using the ncurses library
With optional subshell support
With mouse support on xterm
With support for X11 events
...这是 Cygwin 的版本:
$ uname -a
CYGWIN_NT-5.1 c40920j 1.7.7(0.230/5/3) 2010-08-31 09:58 i686 Cygwin