在理解此程序流程方面寻求一般帮助:在 Windows 窗体应用程序中,为什么当我在新线程中调用方法时,线程在继续执行之前不等待方法完成?
默认情况下,线程内调用的方法是否异步执行?(我希望程序在方法完成之前一直阻塞,而不必使用下面的 Thread.Sleep 行)。下面对“Thread.Sleep”行的评论可能有助于进一步澄清我的问题。- 谢谢!
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Call doStuff in new thread:
System.Threading.Thread myThread;
myThread = new System.Threading.Thread(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(doStuff));
private void doStuff()
//Instantiate external class used for threadSafe interaction with UI objects:
ThreadSafeCalls tsc = new ThreadSafeCalls();
int indx_firstColumn = 0;
//Loop 3 times, add a row, and add value of "lastRowAdded" to column1 cell.
for (int a = 0; a < 3; a += 1)
tsc.AddGridRow(dataGridView1); //Call method to add a row to gridview:
Thread.Sleep(1000); // Why does the execution of the line above go all crazy if I don't pause here? It's executing on the same thread, shouldn't it be synchronous?
tsc.AddGridCellData(dataGridView1,indx_firstColumn, tsc.lastRowAdded,tsc.lastRowAdded.ToString()); //Add value of "lastRowAdded" (for visual debugging)
public int lastRowAdded = -999;
public void AddGridRow(DataGridView gv)
if (gv.InvokeRequired)
gv.BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker)delegate ()
lastRowAdded = gv.Rows.Add();
lastRowAdded = gv.Rows.Add();
public void AddGridCellData(DataGridView gv, int column, int rowID, string value)
//Thread safe:
if (gv.InvokeRequired)
gv.BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker)delegate () { gv.Rows[rowID].Cells[column].Value = value + " "; });
gv.Rows[rowID].Cells[column].Value = value;