I have a several items called posters that have logs. I want to order that posters by the date creation of these logs.
I have a model called Poster with this code:
class Poster extends Model {
protected $table = 'posters';
public function pos_log_resumenEnviado()
return $this->hasMany('App\models\PosterLog', 'pos_id')->where('log', 'Autores de poster enviado')->orWhere('log', 'Resumen de poster modificado')->latest();
Then in my controller I retrieve results like this:
$posters = Poster::with('pos_log_resumenEnviado', 'user')->where('state', 'Resumen pendiente de aceptacion')->get();
$posters = $posters->sortBy(function($pos)
if( sizeof($pos->pos_log_resumenEnviado) > 0)
return $pos->pos_log_resumenEnviado[0]->created_at;
I get all posters and then I order them and take the first 1200 results. This has been working fine (with a slow performance) but now I get the php error I said in the title. Error comes even before the sortBy execution, just with the get()
If I did not have to use sortBy I could use paginate() method but I dont know if there is another way to order that.