我有一个 python 程序,它基本上解析一些 CSV 并打印出一行,然后停止,直到用户点击输入。这是完整的代码:
import os
import csv
import sys
from datetime import datetime
teams = [[] for x in xrange(0, 400)]
counter = 0
with open('t26.csv', 'rb') as f:
reader = csv.reader(f)
for row in reader:
if row:
if row[1] <> "" and row[1] <> "TEAM AVERAGES:":
counter += 1
for i in range(0, counter - 1):
diff = False
lastTeam = ""
firstDate = ""
eid = teams[i][0]
date = teams[i][1]
team = teams[i][2]
pc = teams[i][3]
for csvfile in os.listdir('Uploads'):
with open('Uploads/' + csvfile, 'rb') as f:
reader = csv.reader(f)
team_index = 0
eid_am_index = 0
eid_pm_index = 0
find = False
for row in reader:
index = 0
for column_name in row:
if "team" == column_name:
team_index = index
if "eid_am" in column_name:
eid_am_index = index
if "eid_pm" in column_name:
eid_pm_index = index
index += 1
if eid in row:
#print row[team_index] + ', ' + row[eid_am_index] + ', ' + row[eid_pm_index] + ', ' + ' ----> ' + csvfile
if row[team_index] <> lastTeam and lastTeam <> "":
diff = True
lastTeam = row[team_index]
if firstDate == "":
firstDate = csvfile
if diff:
print "\n*diff"
else: #teams are the same
team = team[5:]
if "(" in team:
team = team[:team.index('(') - 1]
lastTeam = lastTeam[:lastTeam.index(' ')]
g = 0
print "\n*no diff: " + eid + " --> " + firstDate + " | " + date + "\tTeam: " + team + " | " + lastTeam + "\tPC: " + pc
if team <> lastTeam and lastTeam <> "":
print "*(!) teams not equal"
f = raw_input('') #read user input and do nothing with it
我在 Windows 上的 Ubuntu 上的 Bash 上运行这个程序,有时终端上会随机弹出符号“^@”,然后当我单击 Enter 时出现错误。
这是终端外观的示例(带有一些#comments 来解释):
*no diff: 4903 --> 6-27-2017 3_44_01 PM.csv | 8/1/2017 1:56:39 PM Team: 180-A | 180-A PC: AGENT3-102 #this line is printed out by the python program
^@ #this randomly show up
Traceback (most recent call last): #when i hit enter i get this error
File "parse.py", line 127, in <module>
f = raw_input('')