我正在尝试将一些spring-webflux示例代码迁移到 kotlin。

目前我想将我的Spring Data Mongo示例转换为 kotlin。有一个User,原始 Data Mongo 版本看起来:

class User implements UserDetails {

    private String id;
    private String username;
    private String password;

    private boolean active = true;

    private List<String> roles = new ArrayList<>();

    public Collection<? extends GrantedAuthority> getAuthorities() {
        return AuthorityUtils.createAuthorityList(roles.toArray(new String[roles.size()]));

    public boolean isAccountNonExpired() {
        return active;

    public boolean isAccountNonLocked() {
        return active;

    public boolean isCredentialsNonExpired() {
        return active;

    public boolean isEnabled() {
        return active;



顺便说一句:目前我UserDetails在 kotlin 版本中删除了,请在此处查看

data class User(
        @Id var id: String? = null,
        var username: String? = null,
        var password: String? = null,
        var active: Boolean = true,
        var roles: List<String> = ArrayList()



(id, username, password, active, roles) = <a user>

User位于https://github.com/hantsy/spring-reactive-sample/blob/master/kotlin-gradle/src/main/kotlin/com/example/demo/User.kt。_ 目前我注释掉了实施的版本UserDetails。如果我使用注释代码(用户:用户详细信息),其中的desstruction代码Beans.kt将在 IDE 中报告错误。错误发生在username并且password破坏用户类型的声明初始化程序!必须有一个component2函数


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data class User(
        // inherits from UserDetails
        private val username: String,
        private val password: String,
        private val isEnabled: Boolean, //Disabled account can not log in
        private val isCredentialsNonExpired: Boolean, //credential can be expired,eg. Change the password every three months
        private val isAccountNonExpired: Boolean, //eg. Demo account(guest) can only be online  24 hours
        private val isAccountNonLocked: Boolean, //eg. Users who malicious attack system,lock their account for one year
        private val authorities: Set<GrantedAuthority>, 

        // inherits from Tree.If the user is not a tree structure, can be ignored
        val id: Long,
        val parentId: Long? = null, 
        val lft: Int? = null, // preorder tree traversal algorithm
        val rgt: Int? = null, // preorder tree traversal algorithm
        val depth: Int? = null, // or levels
        val isLeaf: Boolean? = null, 
        val teamTotal: Int? = null, // The number of all subordinates
        val childrenTotal: Int? = null, //The number of all directly under the subordinate

        //Custom attributes
        val tenantId: Long, //We are the platform + tenant model
        val platform: Platform, // PC, IOS, ANDROID, WAP, INTERNAL
        val deviceToken: String? = null, //or machine code
        val ip: InetAddress //Inet4Address or Inet6Address
) : UserDetails, Tree(id, parentId) {
    override fun getUsername(): String = username
    override fun getPassword(): String = password
    override fun isEnabled(): Boolean = isEnabled
    override fun isCredentialsNonExpired(): Boolean = isCredentialsNonExpired
    override fun isAccountNonExpired(): Boolean = isAccountNonExpired
    override fun isAccountNonLocked(): Boolean = isAccountNonLocked
    override fun getAuthorities(): Set<out GrantedAuthority> = authorities
于 2017-09-11T09:49:06.443 回答