我正在通过 Herb Sutter's
旅程:迈向更强大、更简单的 C++ 编程
using namespace std;
class foobar {
foobar() { cout << "foobar::foobar()\n"; }
~foobar() { cout << "foobar::~foobar()\n"; }
foobar( const foobar &rhs )
{ cout << "foobar::foobar( const foobar & )\n"; }
void ival( int nval, string new_string ) { _ival = nval;s=new_string; }
int _ival;
string s;
foobar f( int val,string new_string ) {
foobar local;
local.ival( val,new_string );
return local;
template<> struct tuple_element<0,foobar> { using type = int; };
template<> struct tuple_element<1,foobar> { using type = string; };
// 2. Now add get<> support (using C++17, because why not; it’s better
// than =delete’ing the primary get<> template and adding specializations)
template<int I>
auto get(const foobar&x) {
if constexpr(I == 0) return x._ival;//'_ival' is a private member of 'foobar'
else if constexpr(I == 1) return x.s;//'s' is a private member of 'foobar'
int main(){
foobar ml = f( 1024,"hello" );
auto [ n, s] = f( 1024,"hello" );//Cannot decompose non-public member '_ival' o
return 0;
if constexpr(I == 0) return x._ival;//'_ival' 是 'foobar' 的私有成员
else if constexpr(I == 1) return xs;//'s' 是 'foobar' 的私有成员
auto [ n, s] = f( 1024,"hello" );//不能分解非公开
// 2. Now add get<> support (using C++17, because why not; it’s better
// than =delete’ing the primary get<> template and adding specializations)
template<int I>
auto get(const S&) {
if constexpr(I == 0) return x.i;
else if constexpr(I == 1) return string_view{x.c}; }
else if constexpr(I == 2) return x.d;