我制作了一个 jsbin 来显示问题: http ://jsbin.com/dexeqiz/edit?html,js,output


<div id='log'></div>
<div id='scripts'></div>


$.get('...', function(){

在 jquery 1 和 2 中

它将在#log 中呈现:

但在 jquery 3 中它将呈现

(所以只有在整个 ajax 处理程序完成后才添加 3)


现在我唯一的解决方法是将代码.append(newhtml)放在 a之后setTimeout,但我不希望这样做,因为它对用户来说看起来有点慢。我宁愿有类似的东西$.when(append).done(function(){code})

更新: 似乎发生这种情况是因为从 jQuery 3 脚本开始,用于文档就绪$(function(){});加载异步(https://github.com/jquery/jquery/issues/1895),这是我目前的解决方案:http: //jsbin.com/ xayitec/edit?html,js,输出


1 回答 1


After all fiddling it stands out: there is no real solution for this issue; at least none that is not very hackish or without changing the whole setup/workflow.

For the sake of completeness I leave my "answers" as they are (see everything below "LOG") and add some background information.

  • https://jquery.com/upgrade-guide/3.0/#breaking-change-document-ready-handlers-are-now-asynchronous

    The document-ready processing in jQuery has been powered by the jQuery.Deferred implementation since jQuery 1.6. As part of jQuery 3.0's alignment with the Promises/A+ standard, document-ready handlers are called asynchronously even if the document is currently ready at the point where the handler is added. This provides a consistent code execution order that is independent of whether the document is ready or not.

  • https://github.com/jquery/jquery/issues/3773#issuecomment-325999054

    Since you're wrapping code in your script tag in $, you can also wrap the other lines:

    $.get('...', function(){ $('#somediv') .append( "somehtml<script>$(function(){$('#log').append('<p>3</p>');});\/script>" ); $(function(){ $('#log').append('<p>1</p>'); $('#log').append('<p>2</p>'); }); });

    I'd try to not rely on such order too much, though, such code can get quite brittle. I think we technically don't guarantee that order is preserved but that's the case right now.

    Often a better solution is to put scripts at the end of body and then wrapping functions in $ is not necessary.

  • https://github.com/jquery/jquery/issues/1895
  • https://github.com/jquery/jquery/pull/2126

One more idea - very hackish

You can search for all scripts in the string that will be appended. Then search for all "$( function(){...} )" occurrences with regex then insert a function like "$( function(){...;executionHandler()} )" that will count down until all these constructs are resolved and then set an outer promise as resovled. But this would be quite hackish as I said at the beginning and also might be quite error prone.


Version 1, 2, 2.1 and 3 are all tested with jQuery versions 1.12.4, 2.2.4 and 3.2.1 and should work fine with all versions from jQuery 1.8 and above.

Version 1

$.get('...', function(){

    // make shure that $Deferred is in scope of all involved functions
    window.$Deferred = $.Deferred(); // get jQuery deferred object

        "hi<script>$(function(){$('#log').append('<p>3</p>');});<\/script>" + // append your common stuff
        "<script>$(function(){$Deferred.resolve();})<\/script>" // add this line to resolve window.$Deferred

    $Deferred.always(function() {
        // execute code after $Deferred was resolved or rejected


Version 2

was kicked

Version 3

// $.get returns a jqXHR object which is a promise-compatible object
$.when($.get('...', function() {
})).always(function( data, textStatus, jqXHR|errorThrown ) {
    // execute code when $.get is done or fails

Or alternatively

$.when($.get('...', function() {
    function( data, textStatus, jqXHR ) {
        // success callback
    function( jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown ) {
        // fail callback



于 2017-08-30T00:36:22.577 回答