我正在尝试使用 AppleScript 来查找现有的 OmniFocus 任务并根据某些规则附加项目和上下文。这是有效的,除了:

当我创建新任务时,我试图note直接复制属性。在 OmniFocus 的字典中,它说该note属性是“富文本”,但在新任务中它似乎已成为纯文本(特别是,我想保留的文本中的链接正在消失,但还有其他风格正在消失)

on set_project_and_context(the_task, the_project, the_context)
    tell application "OmniFocus"
        tell front document
            set task_name to name of the_task
            set task_note to note of the_task
            set new_text to task_name & " ::" & the_project & " @" & the_context
            set new_tasks to (parse tasks into with transport text new_text with as single task)
            set new_task to item 1 of new_tasks
            set due date of new_task to missing value
            set note of new_task to task_note # <- HERE IS WHERE I'M TRYING TO COPY THE NOTE
            delete the_task
        end tell
    end tell
end set_project_and_context

我是 AppleScript 新手,因此感谢您提供任何帮助;)


3 回答 3





on set_project_and_context(the_task, the_project, the_context)
    tell application "OmniFocus"
        tell document 1
            set task_name to name of the_task
            set task_note to note of the_task
            set new_text to task_name & " ::" & the_project & " @" & the_context
            set new_tasks to (parse tasks into it with transport text new_text with as single task)
            set new_task to item 1 of new_tasks
            set due date of new_task to missing value
            my SetNote(the_task, new_task) -- NEW HANDLER
            delete the_task
        end tell
    end tell
end set_project_and_context

on SetNote(old_task, new_task)
    using terms from application "OmniFocus"
        set text of note of new_task to text of note of old_task
        set lst_paragraphs to (every paragraph of note of old_task)
        repeat with i from 1 to count lst_paragraphs
            set style of paragraph i of note of new_task to (style of paragraph i of note of old_task)
        end repeat
    end using terms from
end SetNote
于 2017-08-23T18:51:57.927 回答

AppleScript 本身不理解带样式的文本,并且没有标准的方式让应用程序返回带有样式信息的文本,因此:

set task_note to note of the_task



set note of new_task to note of the_task


于 2017-08-24T09:04:29.470 回答


on set_project_and_context(the_task, project_text, context_text)
    tell application "OmniFocus"
        tell front document
            set task_name to name of the_task
            set new_text to task_name & " ::" & project_text & " @" & context_text
            set new_tasks to (parse tasks into with transport text new_text with as single task)
            set new_task to item 1 of new_tasks

            set context of the_task to context of new_task
            set the_project to containing project of new_task
            set project_name to name of the_project
            move the_task to end of tasks of the_project
            delete new_task
        end tell
    end tell
end set_project_and_context
于 2017-08-25T01:35:17.813 回答