我在算术溢出中遇到问题,我已经在这个问题 [ Dictionary to ToList ArithmeticFlowException中发布了详细信息
Global.SereverConnections.TryGetValue(key, out connections);
public static IDictionary<string, ISet<ConnectionManager>> SereverConnections = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, ISet<ConnectionManager>>();
public static IList<ConnectionManager> GetUserConnections(string username)
//Key must not be null in any case return null if someone send and empty username
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(username))
return null;
ISet<ConnectionManager> connections;
Global.SereverConnections.TryGetValue(username, out connections);
//this will make the copy of the
//return (connections != null ? connections.ToList() ?? Enumerable.Empty<ConnectionManager>().ToList() : null);
//exception occurs in below line, and connections.Count==-1
return (connections != null ? connections.ToList() : null);