我在 Haskell 中编写了一个简单的 XML 解析器。函数convertXML接收 XML 文件的内容并返回进一步处理的提取值列表。
XML 标签的一个属性还包含产品图片的 URL,如果找到标签,我想扩展该功能以下载它。
convertXML :: (Text.XML.Light.Lexer.XmlSource s) => s -> [String]
convertXML xml = productToCSV products
productToCSV [] = []
productToCSV (x:xs) = (getFields x) ++ (productToCSV
(elChildren x)) ++ (productToCSV xs)
getFields elm = case (qName . elName) elm of
"product" -> [attrField "uid", attrField "code"]
"name" -> [trim $ strContent elm]
"annotation" -> [trim $ strContent elm]
"text" -> [trim $ strContent elm]
"category" -> [attrField "uid", attrField "name"]
"manufacturer" -> [attrField "uid",
attrField "name"]
"file" -> [getImgName]
_ -> []
attrField fldName = trim . fromJust $
findAttr (unqual fldName) elm
getImgName = if (map toUpper $ attrField "type") == "FULL"
-- here I need some IO code
-- to download an image
-- fetchFile :: String -> IO String
attrField "file"
else []
products = findElements (unqual "product") productsTree
productsTree = fromJust $ findElement (unqual "products") xmlTree
xmlTree = fromJust $ parseXMLDoc xml
知道如何在getImgName函数中插入 IO 代码,还是必须将 convertXML 函数完全重写为不纯的版本?
更新二 convertXML 函数的最终版本。卡尔建议的混合纯/不纯但干净的方式。返回对的第二个参数是一个 IO 操作,它运行图像下载并保存到磁盘,并包装存储图像的本地路径列表。
convertXML :: (Text.XML.Light.Lexer.XmlSource s) => s -> ([String], IO [String])
convertXML xml = productToCSV products (return [])
productToCSV :: [Element] -> IO String -> ([String], IO [String])
productToCSV [] _ = ([], return [])
productToCSV (x:xs) (ys) = storeFields (getFields x)
( storeFields (productToCSV (elChildren x) (return []))
(productToCSV xs ys) )
getFields elm = case (qName . elName) elm of
"product" -> ([attrField "uid", attrField "code"], return [])
"name" -> ([trim $ strContent elm], return [])
"annotation" -> ([trim $ strContent elm], return [])
"text" -> ([trim $ strContent elm], return [])
"category" -> ([attrField "uid", attrField "name"], return [])
"manufacturer" -> ([attrField "uid",
attrField "name"], return [])
"file" -> getImg
_ -> ([], return [])
attrField fldName = trim . fromJust $
findAttr (unqual fldName) elm
getImg = if (map toUpper $ attrField "type") == "FULL"
( [attrField "file"], fetchFile url >>=
saveFile localPath >>
return [localPath] )
else ([], return [])
fName = attrField "file"
localPath = imagesDir ++ "/" ++ fName
url = attrField "folderUrl" ++ "/" ++ fName
storeFields (x1s, y1s) (x2s, y2s) = (x1s ++ x2s, liftM2 (++) y1s y2s)
products = findElements (unqual "product") productsTree
productsTree = fromJust $ findElement (unqual "products") xmlTree
xmlTree = fromJust $ parseXMLDoc xml