


.code.tio.chpl:77: internal error: IMP0586 chpl Version 1.16.0 pre-release (-999)

Note: This source location is a guess.

Internal errors indicate a bug in the Chapel compiler ("It's us, not you"),
and we're sorry for the hassle.  We would appreciate your reporting this bug -- 
please see http://chapel.cray.com/bugs.html for instructions.  In the meantime,
the filename + line number above may be useful in working around the issue.


代码,直播@ <TiO>-IDE::

/* ---------------------------------------SETUP-SECTION-UNDER-TEST--*/ use Time;
/* ---------------------------------------SETUP-SECTION-UNDER-TEST--*/ var aStopWATCH_RND_GEN: Timer;
/* ---------------------------------------SETUP-SECTION-UNDER-TEST--*/ var aStopWATCH_LIN_ALG: Timer;
/* ---------------------------------------SETUP-SECTION-UNDER-TEST--*/ var aStopWATCH_MAT_REC: Timer;
/* ---------------------------------------SETUP-SECTION-UNDER-TEST--*/ var aStopWATCH_ARR_REC: Timer;
config const n_power =         5;
config const L_size  =      1000;
       const indices = 1..L_size;
       const aDomain = {indices, indices};

       var   A: [aDomain] real(64); // real(32); // may've shown some byte-word alignment artifacts
       var   B: [aDomain] real(64); // real(32); // may've shown some byte-word alignment artifacts
       const dtype =    "-real(64)";
       var   S: [aDomain] real(64); // real(32); // OK: must've been set real(64) to avoid /LinearAlgebra.chpl:535: error: type mismatch in assignment from real(64) to real(32)

/* -----------------------------------------------------------------*/ use Random;
/* ---------------------------------------------SECTION-UNDER-TEST--*/     aStopWATCH_RND_GEN.start();
    Random.fillRandom(  A );
    Random.fillRandom(  B );
/* ---------------------------------------------SECTION-UNDER-TEST--*/     aStopWATCH_RND_GEN.stop();

   ============================================ */

proc arrMUL( arrA: [?DA] real(64),
             arrB: [?DB] real(64)
             ) {                      /*
                                         <Brad> If the domain/size of the array being returned cannot be described directly in the function prototype,
                                                I believe your best bet at present is to omit any description of the return type and lean on Chapel's type inference machinery
                                                to determine that you're returning an array

                                                >>> https://stackoverflow.com/a/39420337/3666197

     var                       arrC: [aDomain] real(64);

                                                .code.tio.chpl:77: internal error: IMP0586 chpl Version 1.16.0 pre-release (-999)

                                                Note: This source location is a guess.

                                                Internal errors indicate a bug in the Chapel compiler ("It's us, not you"),
                                                and we're sorry for the hassle.  We would appreciate your reporting this bug -- 
                                                please see http://chapel.cray.com/bugs.html for instructions.  In the meantime,
                                                the filename + line number above may be useful in working around the issue.


 /*  var                       arrC: [{1..arrA.dim( 1 ).length(),       // ..#arrA.dim( 1 ),
                                       1..arrB.dim( 2 ).length()        // ..#arrB.dim( 2 )
                                      ] real(64);


                                                .code.tio.chpl:49: error: unresolved call '[domain(2,int(64),false)] real(64).dim(1)'
                                                $CHPL_HOME/modules/internal/ChapelArray.chpl:1215: note: candidates are: _domain.dim(d: int)
                                                $CHPL_HOME/modules/internal/ChapelArray.chpl:1218: note:                 _domain.dim(param d: int)

  // forall      (row, col) in arrC.domain {    // [ROW:77] reports: internal error: IMP0586 chpl Version 1.16.0 pre-release (-999)
     forall      (row, col) in     aDomain {    // [ROW:78] reports: internal error: IMP0586 chpl Version 1.16.0 pre-release (-999) 
        for                              i in arrA.dim( 2 ) do
             arrC[row, col] += arrA[row, i]
                             * arrB[     i, col];
     return  arrC;

proc arr_REC_POW( arrM: [?D] real(64),
                  n:          int(64) // int(32) failed:
                                      //      <- config const n_power = 5 // .code.tio.chpl:64: error: unresolved call 'arr_REC_POW([domain(2,int(64),false)] real(64), int(64))'
                  ):    [ D] real(64) {     /* 
                                                <Brad> If the domain/size of the array being returned cannot be described directly in the function prototype,
                                                       I believe your best bet at present is to omit any description of the return type and lean on Chapel's type inference machinery
                                                       to determine that you're returning an array

                                                       >>> https://stackoverflow.com/a/39420337/3666197


                                                .code.tio.chpl:56: error: unable to resolve return type of function 'arr_REC_POW'
                                                .code.tio.chpl:56: In function 'arr_REC_POW':
                                                .code.tio.chpl:61: error: called recursively at this point

                                                // The ? operator is called the query operator, and is used to take
                                                // undetermined values like tuple or array sizes and generic types.
                                                // For example, taking arrays as parameters. The query operator is used to
                                                // determine the domain of A. This is uesful for defining the return type,
                                                // though it's not required.

                                                //                  (c) 2017 Ian J. Bertolacci, Ben Harshbarger
                                                // Originally contributed by Ian J. Bertolacci, and updated by 8 contributor(s).

                                                        >>> https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/chapel/>

     if      n < 1 then return         arrM;
     else               return arrMUL( arrM, arr_REC_POW( arrM, n - 1 ) );

/* ---------------------------------------------SECTION-UNDER-TEST--*/     aStopWATCH_ARR_REC.start();

   forall (row, col)             in S.domain {
         S[row, col] = arr_REC_POW( A, n_power )[row,col]
                     + arr_REC_POW( B, n_power )[row,col];
/* ---------------------------------------------SECTION-UNDER-TEST--*/     aStopWATCH_ARR_REC.start();

   ============================================ */

减少<TiO>-IDE(可惜没有代码折叠生产力,就像在其他 IDE 环境中一样。同意 Ben 的观点,根据个人喜好,experiments-under-review 自文档布局可能更具可读性)


chpl:30: internal error: IMP0586 chpl Version 1.16.0 pre-release (-999)


forall      (row, col) in    aDomain {

>>> aClickThrough -with-an-updated-code,没有语法警告但 (-999) @<TiO>-IDE

                    use Time;

var aStopWATCH_RND_GEN: Time.Timer;
var aStopWATCH_LIN_ALG: Time.Timer;
var aStopWATCH_MAT_REC: Time.Timer;
var aStopWATCH_ARR_REC: Time.Timer;

config const n_power =         5;
config const L_size  =      1000;
       const indices = 1..L_size;
       const aDomain = {indices, indices};

       var   A: [aDomain] real(64);
       var   B: [aDomain] real(64);
       const dtype =    "-real(64)";
       var   S: [aDomain] real(64);

use Random;
/* ---------------------------------------------SECTION-UNDER-TEST--*/     aStopWATCH_RND_GEN.start();
    Random.fillRandom(  A );
    Random.fillRandom(  B );
/* ---------------------------------------------SECTION-UNDER-TEST--*/     aStopWATCH_RND_GEN.stop();

proc arrMUL( arrA: [?DA] real(64),
             arrB: [?DB] real(64)
             ) {

     var     arrC: [aDomain] real(64);

     forall      (row, col) in    aDomain {
             arrC[row, col]  = 0;
        for                              i in arrA.dim( 2 ) do
             arrC[row, col] += arrA[row, i]
                             * arrB[     i, col];
     return  arrC;

proc arr_REC_POW( arrM: [?D] real(64),
                  n:          int(64)
                  ):    [ D] real(64) {

     if      n < 1 then return         arrM;
     else               return arrMUL( arrM, arr_REC_POW( arrM, n - 1 ) );

/* ---------------------------------------------SECTION-UNDER-TEST--*/     aStopWATCH_ARR_REC.start();
   forall (row, col)             in S.domain {
         S[row, col] = arr_REC_POW( A, n_power )[row,col]
                     + arr_REC_POW( B, n_power )[row,col];
/* ---------------------------------------------SECTION-UNDER-TEST--*/     aStopWATCH_ARR_REC.start();

     use LinearAlgebra;
var mA = LinearAlgebra.Matrix( A );
var mB = LinearAlgebra.Matrix( B );
var mS = LinearAlgebra.Matrix( S );
/* ---------------------------------------------SECTION-UNDER-TEST--*/     aStopWATCH_LIN_ALG.start();
    mS = LinearAlgebra.matPlus( LinearAlgebra.matPow( mA, n_power ),
                                LinearAlgebra.matPow( mB, n_power )
/* ---------------------------------------------SECTION-UNDER-TEST--*/     aStopWATCH_LIN_ALG.stop();

proc mat_REC_POW( matM: [] real(64),
                  n:        int(64)
                  ) {

     if      n < 1 then return                    matM;
     else               return LinearAlgebra.dot( matM, mat_REC_POW( matM, n - 1 ) );

/* -----------------------------------------------re-fill-m?[,]-----*/
    Random.fillRandom(  A ); mA = Matrix( A ); // re-fill mA[,]
    Random.fillRandom(  B ); mB = Matrix( B ); // re-fill mB[,]
/* -----------------------------------------------re-fill-m?[,]-----*/

/* ---------------------------------------------SECTION-UNDER-TEST--*/     aStopWATCH_MAT_REC.start();
   forall  (row, col)              in mS.domain {
         mS[row, col]  = mat_REC_POW( mA, n_power )[row,col]
                       + mat_REC_POW( mB, n_power )[row,col];
/* ---------------------------------------------SECTION-UNDER-TEST--*/     aStopWATCH_MAT_REC.start();

/* |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| PERF--*/

writeln( ".fillRandom() took",           aStopWATCH_RND_GEN.elapsed( Time.TimeUnits.microseconds ), " [us] for A[,], B[,] having ", 2 * ( L_size * L_size ), dtype, " elements in total." );
        "\n <SECTION-UNDER-TEST> took ", aStopWATCH_LIN_ALG.elapsed( Time.TimeUnits.microseconds ), " [us] in [LIN_ALG] mode ( A^n + B^b ) for [", L_size, ",", L_size, "] on <TiO>-IDE",
        "\n <SECTION-UNDER-TEST> took ", aStopWATCH_MAT_REC.elapsed( Time.TimeUnits.microseconds ), " [us] in [MAT_REC] mode ( A^n + B^b ) for [", L_size, ",", L_size, "] on <TiO>-IDE",
        "\n <SECTION-UNDER-TEST> took ", aStopWATCH_ARR_REC.elapsed( Time.TimeUnits.microseconds ), " [us] in [ARR_REC] mode ( A^n + B^b ) for [", L_size, ",", L_size, "] on <TiO>-IDE"
/* ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| INF--*/

writeln(                     "<TiO>-IDE-LocaleSpace is: ", LocaleSpace, " massive. Code is executing [here], being Locale ", here.id  );
for                                                i in    LocaleSpace do
    writeln(                 "          Locale #", i, "'s ID is: ", Locales[i].id );


1 回答 1



之前的 WIP 临时评论尚未用于教育目的


BLAS+ATLAS但无法按照 v1.15/.16 文档建议工作

                    use Time;

var aStopWATCH_RND_GEN: Time.Timer;
var aStopWATCH_LIN_ALG: Time.Timer;
var aStopWATCH_MAT_REC: Time.Timer;
var aStopWATCH_ARR_REC: Time.Timer;

config const n_power =         5;
config const L_size  =      1000;
       const indices = 1..L_size;
       const aDomain = {indices, indices};

       var   A: [aDomain] real(64);
       var   B: [aDomain] real(64);
       const dtype =    "-real(64)";
       var   S: [aDomain] real(64);

use Random;
/* ---------------------------------------------SECTION-UNDER-TEST--*/     aStopWATCH_RND_GEN.start();
    Random.fillRandom(  A );
    Random.fillRandom(  B );
/* ---------------------------------------------SECTION-UNDER-TEST--*/     aStopWATCH_RND_GEN.stop();

proc arrMUL( arrA: [?DA] real(64),
             arrB: [?DB] real(64)
             ) {

     var     arrC: [aDomain] real(64);

     forall      (row, col) in    aDomain {
             arrC[row, col]  = 0;
     // for                              i in arrA.dim( 2 ) do          // calling .dim(2) on an array instead of it's domain. Note that dim is only defined on the domain, not the array
        for                              i in arrA.domain.dim( 2 ) do   // calling .dim(2) on an array instead of it's domain. Note that dim is only defined on the domain, not the array
             arrC[row, col] += arrA[row, i]
                             * arrB[     i, col];
     return  arrC;

proc arr_REC_POW( arrM: [?D] real(64),
                  n:          int(64)
                  ):    [ D] real(64) {

     if      n < 1 then return         arrM;
     else               return arrMUL( arrM, arr_REC_POW( arrM, n - 1 ) );

/* ---------------------------------------------SECTION-UNDER-TEST--*/     aStopWATCH_ARR_REC.start();
   forall (row, col)             in S.domain {
         S[row, col] = arr_REC_POW( A, n_power )[row,col]
                     + arr_REC_POW( B, n_power )[row,col];
/* ---------------------------------------------SECTION-UNDER-TEST--*/     aStopWATCH_ARR_REC.start();

     use LinearAlgebra;
var mA = LinearAlgebra.Matrix( A );
var mB = LinearAlgebra.Matrix( B );
var mS = LinearAlgebra.Matrix( S );
/* ---------------------------------------------SECTION-UNDER-TEST--*/     aStopWATCH_LIN_ALG.start();
    mS = LinearAlgebra.matPlus( LinearAlgebra.matPow( mA, n_power ),
                                LinearAlgebra.matPow( mB, n_power )
/* ---------------------------------------------SECTION-UNDER-TEST--*/     aStopWATCH_LIN_ALG.stop();

proc mat_REC_POW( matM: [?Dm] real(64),
                  n:           int(64)
                  ):    [ Dm] real(64) {

 //  if      n < 1 then return                    matM;                                           // chpl:65: error: unable to resolve return type of function 'mat_REC_POW'
     if      n < 1 then return LinearAlgebra.dot( matM, LinearAlgebra.eye( matM.shape[1] ) );     // [DID NOT HELP]: added: so as to help compiler assume the return-type
     else               return LinearAlgebra.dot( matM,       mat_REC_POW( matM, n - 1 ) );       // chpl:70: error: called recursively at this point

/* -----------------------------------------------re-fill-m?[,]-----*/
    Random.fillRandom(  A ); mA = Matrix( A ); // re-fill mA[,]
    Random.fillRandom(  B ); mB = Matrix( B ); // re-fill mB[,]
/* -----------------------------------------------re-fill-m?[,]-----*/

/* ---------------------------------------------SECTION-UNDER-TEST--*/     aStopWATCH_MAT_REC.start();
   forall  (row, col)              in mS.domain {
         mS[row, col]  = mat_REC_POW( mA, n_power )[row,col]
                       + mat_REC_POW( mB, n_power )[row,col];
/* ---------------------------------------------SECTION-UNDER-TEST--*/     aStopWATCH_MAT_REC.start();

/* |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| PERF--*/

writeln( ".fillRandom() took",           aStopWATCH_RND_GEN.elapsed( Time.TimeUnits.microseconds ), " [us] for A[,], B[,] having ", 2 * ( L_size * L_size ), dtype, " elements in total." );
        "\n <SECTION-UNDER-TEST> took ", aStopWATCH_LIN_ALG.elapsed( Time.TimeUnits.microseconds ), " [us] in [LIN_ALG] mode ( A^n + B^n ) for [", L_size, ",", L_size, "] on <TiO>-IDE",
        "\n <SECTION-UNDER-TEST> took ", aStopWATCH_MAT_REC.elapsed( Time.TimeUnits.microseconds ), " [us] in [MAT_REC] mode ( A^n + B^n ) for [", L_size, ",", L_size, "] on <TiO>-IDE",
        "\n <SECTION-UNDER-TEST> took ", aStopWATCH_ARR_REC.elapsed( Time.TimeUnits.microseconds ), " [us] in [ARR_REC] mode ( A^n + B^n ) for [", L_size, ",", L_size, "] on <TiO>-IDE"
/* ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| INF--*/

writeln(                     "<TiO>-IDE-LocaleSpace is: ", LocaleSpace, " massive. Code is executing [here], being Locale ", here.id  );
for                                                i in    LocaleSpace do
    writeln(                 "          Locale #", i, "'s ID is: ", Locales[i].id );

BLAS+ATLAS抗议如果试图编译/链接>>> @ <TiO>-IDE,而管理员确认已安装并审查/确认两个模块就位([OK]:<TiO>-IDE站点管理员和布拉德解决 - 两者都值得非常感谢为了这 )

/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lblas
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -latlas

<TiO>-IDE管理员 + 布拉德的建议有助于让它发挥作用


.fillRandom()         took  582125 [us] for A[,], B[,] having 2000000-real(64) elements in total.    
 <SECTION-UNDER-TEST> took 2702530 [us] in [LIN_ALG] mode ( A^n + B^n ) for [1000,1000] on <TiO>-IDE


gcc    -I/opt/chapel//lib/chapel/1.16/third-party/qthread/install/linux64-gnu-native-flat/include
       -o /tmp/chpl-runner-15040.deleteme/.bin.tio.tmp.o
       -I/opt/chapel//lib/chapel/1.16/third-party/hwloc/install/linux64-gnu-native-flat/include /tmp/chpl-runner-15040.deleteme/_main.c

g++    -L/opt/chapel//lib/chapel/1.16/third-party/qthread/install/linux64-gnu-native-flat/lib
       -o /tmp/chpl-runner-15040.deleteme/.bin.tio.tmp
       -lblas -L/usr/lib64/atlas
       -lqthread -L/opt/chapel//lib/chapel/1.16/third-party/hwloc/install/linux64-gnu-native-flat/lib


虽然最大的 [PAR]权力超出了可测试性的范围(在公共赞助的基础设施上由于明显的原因在管理上不可用<TiO>-IDE),并且可能会在更现实的计算设备上得到进一步调查,例如那些在 Cray 内部可用资源中可用的设备并且被 Cray 的 Chapel-initiative 使用,从语言表达能力和语言实现的实际状态中获益的本质令人印象深刻。



再次感谢 Dennis @ <TiO>-IDEsupport 和 Brad @ Cray +团队一切顺利,推动和扩展这个伟大的软件项目仍然越来越好。

writeln(// "______________________________________ChplCode.<-lsatlas> implementation___________________________________ SERIAL-MODE [ATLAS] SUPPORT FOR [LinearAlgebra] MODULE" );
           "______________________________________ChplCode.<-ltatlas> implementation_________________________________ THREADED-MODE [ATLAS] SUPPORT FOR [LinearAlgebra] MODULE" );
           As the experimentally collected performance-data show and support below,
           there is about a constant,
           Matrix scale-invariant,
           additional overhead of ~ +440 ~ +500 [ms]
           a THREADED-MODE [ATLAS] SUPPORT FOR [LinearAlgebra] MODULE,
           believed to be
           associated with a setup of a thread-pool & al processing pre-arrangements,
           ought be accounted for in
           an overhead-aware Amdahl Law formulation for pre-validations of a feasible choice
           whether a [PAR], using -ltatlas
           or      a [SEQ], using -lsatlas support for the [LinearAlgebra] module implementation
           will yield faster processing times.

                    use Time;

var aStopWATCH_RND_GEN: Time.Timer;
var aStopWATCH_LIN_ALG: Time.Timer;
var aStopWATCH_MAT_REC: Time.Timer;
var aStopWATCH_ARR_REC: Time.Timer;

config const n_power =         5;
config const L_size  =      2600;
       const indices = 1..L_size;
       const aDomain = {indices, indices};

       var   A: [aDomain] real(64);
       var   B: [aDomain] real(64);
       const dtype =    "-real(64)";
       var   S: [aDomain] real(64);

use Random;
/* ---------------------------------------------SECTION-UNDER-TEST--*/     aStopWATCH_RND_GEN.start();
    Random.fillRandom(  A );
    Random.fillRandom(  B );
/* ---------------------------------------------SECTION-UNDER-TEST--*/     aStopWATCH_RND_GEN.stop();
writeln( ".fillRandom()        took ",                                     aStopWATCH_RND_GEN.elapsed( Time.TimeUnits.microseconds ),
         " [us] for A[,], B[,] having ", 2 * ( L_size * L_size ), dtype, " elements in total." );

     use LinearAlgebra;
var mA = LinearAlgebra.Matrix( A );
var mB = LinearAlgebra.Matrix( B );
var mS = LinearAlgebra.Matrix( S );

/* ---------------------------------------------SECTION-UNDER-TEST--*/     aStopWATCH_LIN_ALG.start();
    mS = LinearAlgebra.matPlus( LinearAlgebra.matPow( mA, n_power ),
                                LinearAlgebra.matPow( mB, n_power )
/* ---------------------------------------------SECTION-UNDER-TEST--*/     aStopWATCH_LIN_ALG.stop();
/* |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| PERF--*/

writeln( ".fillRandom()        took ", aStopWATCH_RND_GEN.elapsed( Time.TimeUnits.microseconds ), " [us] for A[,], B[,] having ", 2 * ( L_size * L_size ), dtype, " elements in total." );
       "\n<SECTION-UNDER-TEST> took ", aStopWATCH_LIN_ALG.elapsed( Time.TimeUnits.microseconds ), " [us] in [LIN_ALG] mode ( A^n + B^n ) for [", L_size, ",", L_size, "] on <TiO>-IDE"
   // ,"\n<SECTION-UNDER-TEST> took ", aStopWATCH_MAT_REC.elapsed( Time.TimeUnits.microseconds ), " [us] in [MAT_REC] mode ( A^n + B^n ) for [", L_size, ",", L_size, "] on <TiO>-IDE"
   // ,"\n<SECTION-UNDER-TEST> took ", aStopWATCH_ARR_REC.elapsed( Time.TimeUnits.microseconds ), " [us] in [ARR_REC] mode ( A^n + B^n ) for [", L_size, ",", L_size, "] on <TiO>-IDE"
/* ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| INF--*/

writeln(                     "<TiO>-IDE-LocaleSpace is: ", LocaleSpace, " massive. Code is executing [here], being Locale ", here.id  );
for                                                i in    LocaleSpace do
    writeln(                 "          Locale #", i, "'s ID is: ", Locales[i].id,                                            "\n                                having a name of <_",
                                                                    Locales[i].name,                                        "_>\n                                having { REAL:"              ,
                                                                 // Locales[i].numPUs( logical = false, accessible =  true ),   " | VIRT:"                       ,
                                                                    Locales[i].numPUs(           false,               true ),   " | VIRT:"                       ,
                                                                 // Locales[i].numPUs( logical =  true, accessible =  true ),   " | TEOR:"                       ,
                                                                    Locales[i].numPUs(            true,               true ),   " | TEOR:"                       ,
                                                                 // Locales[i].numPUs( logical =  true, accessible = false ),   " } PUnits"                      ,
                                                                    Locales[i].numPUs(            true,              false ),   " } PUnits\n                                having max ",
                                                                    Locales[i].maxTaskPar,                                      " 'just'-[CONCURRENT]-tasks\n                                having max ",
                                                                    Locales[i].callStackSize,                                   "-callStackSIZE."

/* ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| RES:

.fillRandom()        took      560773 [us] for A[,], B[,] having  2000000-real(64) elements in total. <BEST-CASE>s IN SERIAL-MODE [ATLAS] SUPPORT FOR [LinearAlgebra] MODULE
.fillRandom()        took     2521920 [us] for A[,], B[,] having  8000000-real(64) elements in total.
.fillRandom()        took     2717450 [us] for A[,], B[,] having  9680000-real(64) elements in total.
.fillRandom()        took     3630820 [us] for A[,], B[,] having 11520000-real(64) elements in total.

.fillRandom()        took     4429820 [us] for A[,], B[,] having 13520000-real(64) elements in total.
.fillRandom()        took     4048440 [us] for A[,], B[,] having 13520000-real(64) elements in total. ( IN THREADED-MODE ) was faster, but not systematically

.fillRandom()        took     4793110 [us] for A[,], B[,] having 15680000-real(64) elements in total. 
.fillRandom()        took     5055060 [us] for A[,], B[,] having 15680000-real(64) elements in total. ( IN THREADED-MODE )

.fillRandom()        took     5630540 [us] for A[,], B[,] having 18000000-real(64) elements in total.

<TiO>-IDE-LocaleSpace is: {0..0} massive. Code is executing [here], being Locale 0
          Locale #0's ID is: 0
                                having a name of <_tio2_>
                                having { REAL:1 | VIRT:1 | TEOR:1 } PUnits
                                having max 4 'just'-[CONCURRENT]-tasks
                                having max 8388608-callStackSIZE.

<SECTION-UNDER-TEST> took    15110000 [us] in [LIN_ALG] mode ( A^n + B^n ) for [2000,2000] on <TiO>-IDE <BEST-CASE>s IN SERIAL-MODE
<SECTION-UNDER-TEST> took    17880300 [us] in [LIN_ALG] mode ( A^n + B^n ) for [2200,2200] on <TiO>-IDE
<SECTION-UNDER-TEST> took    25094100 [us] in [LIN_ALG] mode ( A^n + B^n ) for [2400,2400] on <TiO>-IDE
<SECTION-UNDER-TEST> took    31550900 [us] in [LIN_ALG] mode ( A^n + B^n ) for [2600,2600] on <TiO>-IDE
<SECTION-UNDER-TEST> took    32996500 [us] in [LIN_ALG] mode ( A^n + B^n ) for [2600,2600] on <TiO>-IDE
<SECTION-UNDER-TEST> took    34390400 [us] in [LIN_ALG] mode ( A^n + B^n ) for [2800,2800] on <TiO>-IDE
<SECTION-UNDER-TEST> KILL-ed                                               for [3000,3000] on <TiO>-IDE, having 18,000,000-real(64) elements .fillRandom()-ed in ~ 5.6 [s] time.

______________________________________ChplCode.<-lsatlas> implementation___________________________________ SERIAL-MODE [ATLAS] SUPPORT FOR [LinearAlgebra] MODULE
                                                  ^________________________________________________________ SERIAL-MODE [ATLAS] SUPPORT FOR [LinearAlgebra] MODULE
.fillRandom()        took 5.60773e+05 [us] for A[,], B[,] having 2000000-real(64) elements in total.
.fillRandom()        took 5.62970e+05 [us] for A[,], B[,] having 2000000-real(64) elements in total.
.fillRandom()        took 5.64366e+05 [us] for A[,], B[,] having 2000000-real(64) elements in total.
.fillRandom()        took 5.70291e+05 [us] for A[,], B[,] having 2000000-real(64) elements in total.
.fillRandom()        took 5.75086e+05 [us] for A[,], B[,] having 2000000-real(64) elements in total.
.fillRandom()        took 5.85121e+05 [us] for A[,], B[,] having 2000000-real(64) elements in total.
.fillRandom()        took 6.25645e+05 [us] for A[,], B[,] having 2000000-real(64) elements in total.
.fillRandom()        took 6.77903e+05 [us] for A[,], B[,] having 2000000-real(64) elements in total.
.fillRandom()        took 6.96932e+05 [us] for A[,], B[,] having 2000000-real(64) elements in total.
.fillRandom()        took 6.98700e+05 [us] for A[,], B[,] having 2000000-real(64) elements in total.

<SECTION-UNDER-TEST> took 2.06538e+06 [us] in [LIN_ALG] mode ( A^n + B^n ) for [1000,1000] on <TiO>-IDE
<SECTION-UNDER-TEST> took 2.07902e+06 [us] in [LIN_ALG] mode ( A^n + B^n ) for [1000,1000] on <TiO>-IDE
<SECTION-UNDER-TEST> took 2.08725e+06 [us] in [LIN_ALG] mode ( A^n + B^n ) for [1000,1000] on <TiO>-IDE
<SECTION-UNDER-TEST> took 2.12497e+06 [us] in [LIN_ALG] mode ( A^n + B^n ) for [1000,1000] on <TiO>-IDE
<SECTION-UNDER-TEST> took 2.13071e+06 [us] in [LIN_ALG] mode ( A^n + B^n ) for [1000,1000] on <TiO>-IDE
<SECTION-UNDER-TEST> took 2.22075e+06 [us] in [LIN_ALG] mode ( A^n + B^n ) for [1000,1000] on <TiO>-IDE
<SECTION-UNDER-TEST> took 2.28035e+06 [us] in [LIN_ALG] mode ( A^n + B^n ) for [1000,1000] on <TiO>-IDE
<SECTION-UNDER-TEST> took 2.32674e+06 [us] in [LIN_ALG] mode ( A^n + B^n ) for [1000,1000] on <TiO>-IDE
<SECTION-UNDER-TEST> took 2.33844e+06 [us] in [LIN_ALG] mode ( A^n + B^n ) for [1000,1000] on <TiO>-IDE
<SECTION-UNDER-TEST> took 2.35908e+06 [us] in [LIN_ALG] mode ( A^n + B^n ) for [1000,1000] on <TiO>-IDE

______________________________________ChplCode.<-ltatlas> implementation_________________________________ THREADED-MODE [ATLAS] SUPPORT FOR [LinearAlgebra] MODULE
                                                  ^______________________________________________________ THREADED-MODE [ATLAS] SUPPORT FOR [LinearAlgebra] MODULE
.fillRandom()        took 5.68652e+05 [us] for A[,], B[,] having 2000000-real(64) elements in total.
.fillRandom()        took 5.73797e+05 [us] for A[,], B[,] having 2000000-real(64) elements in total.
.fillRandom()        took 5.74911e+05 [us] for A[,], B[,] having 2000000-real(64) elements in total.
.fillRandom()        took 5.81389e+05 [us] for A[,], B[,] having 2000000-real(64) elements in total.
.fillRandom()        took 5.87079e+05 [us] for A[,], B[,] having 2000000-real(64) elements in total.
.fillRandom()        took 5.92182e+05 [us] for A[,], B[,] having 2000000-real(64) elements in total.
.fillRandom()        took 6.20989e+05 [us] for A[,], B[,] having 2000000-real(64) elements in total.
.fillRandom()        took 6.62606e+05 [us] for A[,], B[,] having 2000000-real(64) elements in total.
.fillRandom()        took 6.69875e+05 [us] for A[,], B[,] having 2000000-real(64) elements in total.
.fillRandom()        took 6.71270e+05 [us] for A[,], B[,] having 2000000-real(64) elements in total.

<SECTION-UNDER-TEST> took 2.53459e+06 [us] in [LIN_ALG] mode ( A^n + B^n ) for [1000,1000] on <TiO>-IDE
<SECTION-UNDER-TEST> took 2.57695e+06 [us] in [LIN_ALG] mode ( A^n + B^n ) for [1000,1000] on <TiO>-IDE
<SECTION-UNDER-TEST> took 2.59966e+06 [us] in [LIN_ALG] mode ( A^n + B^n ) for [1000,1000] on <TiO>-IDE
<SECTION-UNDER-TEST> took 2.61859e+06 [us] in [LIN_ALG] mode ( A^n + B^n ) for [1000,1000] on <TiO>-IDE
<SECTION-UNDER-TEST> took 2.70356e+06 [us] in [LIN_ALG] mode ( A^n + B^n ) for [1000,1000] on <TiO>-IDE
<SECTION-UNDER-TEST> took 2.76325e+06 [us] in [LIN_ALG] mode ( A^n + B^n ) for [1000,1000] on <TiO>-IDE
<SECTION-UNDER-TEST> took 2.85588e+06 [us] in [LIN_ALG] mode ( A^n + B^n ) for [1000,1000] on <TiO>-IDE
<SECTION-UNDER-TEST> took 2.92058e+06 [us] in [LIN_ALG] mode ( A^n + B^n ) for [1000,1000] on <TiO>-IDE
<SECTION-UNDER-TEST> took 2.92204e+06 [us] in [LIN_ALG] mode ( A^n + B^n ) for [1000,1000] on <TiO>-IDE
<SECTION-UNDER-TEST> took 2.97887e+06 [us] in [LIN_ALG] mode ( A^n + B^n ) for [1000,1000] on <TiO>-IDE

<TiO>-IDE-LocaleSpace is: {0..0} massive.             +--------------------------------<_tio2_>
Code is executing [here], being Locale 0              V
          Locale #0's ID is: 0, having a name of <_tio2_>
                                having { REAL:1 | VIRT:1 | TEOR:1 } PUnits,
                                having max 4 just-[CONCURENT]-tasks,
                                having 8388608-callStackSIZE.

...                             having a name of <_tio3_>
                                having { REAL:1 | VIRT:1 | TEOR:1 } PUnits
                                having max 4 'just'-[CONCURRENT]-tasks
                                having max 8388608-callStackSIZE.

于 2017-08-19T15:48:15.253 回答