I'm exercising with OpenDDS DCPS examples from OpenDDS-3.11/examples/DCPS/IntroductionToOpenDDS on Ubuntu 16. As per the AAA_README.txt found in the same location, I first started DCPSInfoRepo OpenDDS-3.11/bin/DCPSInfoRepo -ORBEndpoint iiop://localhost:12345 followed by subscriber and publisher respectively.

I could get the publisher publishing and subscriber receiving the subscribed topics. I understand the DCPSInfoRepo creates repo.ior which will contain the participant's entry.

But if I kill the DCPSInfoRepo, I could see the publisher and subscriber continue to communicate but obviously could not add another participant as DCPSInfoRepo is not running.

I would like to know why the publisher and subscriber continue to communicate in the absence of DCPSInfoRepo. Don't we need DCPSInfoRepo server after participants are added? please clarify.


1 回答 1


DCPSInfoRepo 仅用于发现,在发布者/订阅者相互认识的那一刻,即使没有 DCPSInfoRepo,他们也会继续通信。

我建议您使用来自 DDS 标准的 RTPS 发现。这完全消除了对 DCPSInfoRepo 的需求(这是单点故障)。

于 2017-08-18T08:05:13.353 回答