我是 Angular 和 Openlayers (3) 的新手。我找到了这个在 Angular 中包装 Openlayers 的开源库。
HTML 模板:
<aol-map [width]="'100%'" [height]="'100%'">
<aol-view [zoom]="zoom">
<aol-coordinate [x]="7.1756" [y]="51.2640" [srid]="projection"></aol-coordinate>
<aol-layer-tile [opacity]="opacity">
<aol-layer-vector [opacity]="opacity">
<aol-feature *ngFor="let activity of activities" (click)="onSelected(activity)">
<aol-coordinate [x]="activity.location.x" [y]="activity.location.y" [srid]="projection"></aol-coordinate>
[anchor]="[0.5, 1]"
[anchorXUnits]="'fraction'" [anchorYUnits]="'fraction'"
<div *ngIf="selectedActivity">
<h2>{{selectedActivity.name}} details!</h2>
<div><label>location: </label>{{selectedActivity.location.x}},{{selectedActivity.location.y}}</div>
正如您在模板中看到的那样,我有一个对象数组(称为“活动”)并对其进行迭代以为每个对象生成一个特征(带有图标)。这工作得很好。现在我想检测用户是否单击标记以在下部 div 中显示有关它的详细信息。我尝试使用暴露的“onClick”事件,但这只有在我将它放在 aol-map-directive 上时才有效。我希望有这样的东西:
<aol-feature *ngFor="let activity of activities" (onClick)="onSelected(activity)">
Then I could grab the activity object in my module and do something with that. But this doesn't work unfortunately. Is there any way to achieve the goal of detecting a click on a certain feature?
I thought of using the aol-control-directive, which I would use in replacement of the aol-feature-directive but I think that wouldn't be the right way, would it?
Any hints are highly appreciated.
Edit: Updated the HTML template to clearify my intension.