我能够安装 SVN Team Provider。但是,我无法为 Eclipse Oxygen 安装 SVN Team Connector(使用 64 位版本)。

当 SVN Team Provider 可用并且我导航到“SVN Repository Exploring”时,它应该会自动显示一个面板来安装适当的 SVN 连接器。但是,我没有得到任何这样的窗口。


SVN: '0x0040010b: Obtain Project Name' operation finished with error: Selected SVN connector library is not available or cannot be loaded.
If you selected native JavaHL connector, please check if binaries are available or install and select pure Java Subversion connector from the plug-in connectors update site.
If connectors already installed then you can change the selected one at: Window->Preferences->Team->SVN->SVN Connector.
Selected SVN connector library is not available or cannot be loaded.
If you selected native JavaHL connector, please check if binaries are available or install and select pure Java Subversion connector from the plug-in connectors update site.
If connectors already installed then you can change the selected one at: Window->Preferences->Team->SVN->SVN Connector.

1 回答 1




  1. 导航到帮助 >> 安装新软件...
  2. 使用以下 URL,http://community.polarion.com/projects/subversive/download/eclipse/6.0/update-site/
  3. 展开组时,您将看不到 Win64 JavaHL 二进制文件。尝试取消选中“按类别分组项目”复选框。您不会在列表中看到 Win64 JavaHL 二进制文件。
  4. 选择 Win64 JavaHL Binanries 并单击下一步进行安装。
  5. 重启日食


归功于 Michele Mariotti(请参阅下面的链接,评论 #22) https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=518033#c22

于 2017-10-02T18:01:28.363 回答