What I have:
Two postgres tables, one with data, one with groups to aggregate. Both tables can be changes, e.g. its planed to add locations later on and also define new categories.
| id | zipcode | name | type |
| 1 | 1234 | Burger1 | burger |
| 2 | 1234 | Burger2 | burger |
| 3 | 1234 | Gas1 | gas |
| 4 | 5678 | FriesA | fries |
| 5 | 9876 | FriesB | fries |
| 6 | 9876 | GarageA | garage |
| category | item |
| food | burger |
| food | fries |
| car | gas |
| car | garage |
What I expect to get: The number of facilities per zip-code, aggregated by given categories:
| zipcode | cnt(food) | cnt(car) |
| 1234 | 2 | 1 |
| 5678 | 1 | |
| 9876 | 1 | 1 |
What I tried: Pivot the table using postgres' crosstab()-function: (see https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/tablefunc.html#AEN186219).
Unfortunately crosstab() returntype is record, so you need to define explicit column definitions. To allow categories to be added later, I'm trying to get the column definition list from a query:
SELECT * FROM crosstab(
'SELECT location.zipcode, categories.category, count(location.id)
FROM locations
JOIN categories
ON categories.item = location.type
GROUP BY zipcode, categories.category'
'SELECT DISTINCT category FROM categories ORDER BY category ASC;')
SELECT array_to_string(
array(SELECT 'zipcode varchar'::varchar),
array(SELECT DISTINCT (category || ' int')::varchar AS category FROM categories ORDER BY category ASC)
', '
Whats the problem
Postgres won't accept a query as column definition list. If possible, I want to avoid using PL\pgSQL-functions but only "regular" querys:
ERROR: syntax error at or near »select«
LINE 16: select array_to_string(