我已经修改了基于 ruamel.yaml 版本 0.17.17 的 @Anthon 解决方案,处理标量、int 和 bool 位置。
class MyLiteralScalarString(ruamel.yaml.scalarstring.LiteralScalarString):
__slots__ = ('comment', 'lc')
class MyFoldedScalarString(ruamel.yaml.scalarstring.FoldedScalarString):
__slots__ = ('fold_pos', 'comment', 'lc')
class MyDoubleQuotedScalarString(ruamel.yaml.scalarstring.DoubleQuotedScalarString):
__slots__ = ('lc')
class MySingleQuotedScalarString(ruamel.yaml.scalarstring.SingleQuotedScalarString):
__slots__ = ('lc')
class MyPlainScalarString(ruamel.yaml.scalarstring.PlainScalarString):
__slots__ = ('lc')
class MyScalarInt(ruamel.yaml.scalarint.ScalarInt):
lc = None
class MyScalarBoolean(ruamel.yaml.scalarbool.ScalarBoolean):
lc = None
class MyConstructor(ruamel.yaml.constructor.RoundTripConstructor):
def __init__(self, preserve_quotes=None, loader=None):
super(MyConstructor, self).__init__(preserve_quotes=preserve_quotes, loader=loader)
if not hasattr(self.loader, 'comment_handling'):
self.loader.comment_handling = None
def construct_scalar(self, node):
# type: (Any) -> Any
if not isinstance(node, ScalarNode):
raise ConstructorError(None, None, _F('expected a scalar node, but found {node_id!s}', node_id=node.id),
ret_val = None
if node.style == '|' and isinstance(node.value, str):
lss = MyLiteralScalarString(node.value, anchor=node.anchor)
if self.loader and self.loader.comment_handling is None:
if node.comment and node.comment[1]:
lss.comment = node.comment[1][0] # type: ignore
if node.comment is not None and node.comment[1]:
# nprintf('>>>>nc1', node.comment)
# EOL comment after |
lss.comment = self.comment(node.comment[1][0]) # type: ignore
ret_val = lss
elif node.style == '>' and isinstance(node.value, str):
fold_positions = [] # type: List[int]
idx = -1
while True:
idx = node.value.find('\a', idx + 1)
if idx < 0:
fold_positions.append(idx - len(fold_positions))
fss = MyFoldedScalarString(node.value.replace('\a', ''), anchor=node.anchor)
if self.loader and self.loader.comment_handling is None:
if node.comment and node.comment[1]:
fss.comment = node.comment[1][0] # type: ignore
if node.comment is not None and node.comment[1]:
# nprintf('>>>>nc2', node.comment)
# EOL comment after >
fss.comment = self.comment(node.comment[1][0]) # type: ignore
if fold_positions:
fss.fold_pos = fold_positions # type: ignore
ret_val = fss
elif bool(self._preserve_quotes) and isinstance(node.value, str):
if node.style == "'":
ret_val = MySingleQuotedScalarString(node.value, anchor=node.anchor)
if node.style == '"':
ret_val = MyDoubleQuotedScalarString(node.value, anchor=node.anchor)
if not ret_val:
if node.anchor:
ret_val = MyPlainScalarString(node.value, anchor=node.anchor)
ret_val = MyPlainScalarString(node.value)
ret_val.lc = ruamel.yaml.comments.LineCol()
ret_val.lc.line = node.start_mark.line
ret_val.lc.col = node.start_mark.column
return ret_val
def construct_yaml_int(self, node):
# type: (Any) -> Any
width = None # type: Any
value_su = self.construct_scalar(node)
sx = value_su.rstrip('_')
underscore = [len(sx) - sx.rindex('_') - 1, False, False] # type: Any
except ValueError:
underscore = None
except IndexError:
underscore = None
value_s = value_su.replace('_', "")
sign = +1
# Assuming that I have only "normal" positive int in my case
if value_s[0] == '-':
sign = -1
if value_s[0] in '+-':
value_s = value_s[1:]
if value_s == '0':
ret_val = 0
elif value_s.startswith('0b'):
if self.resolver.processing_version > (1, 1) and value_s[2] == '0':
width = len(value_s[2:])
if underscore is not None:
underscore[1] = value_su[2] == '_'
underscore[2] = len(value_su[2:]) > 1 and value_su[-1] == '_'
ret_val = BinaryInt(sign * int(value_s[2:], 2), width=width, underscore=underscore, anchor=node.anchor)
elif value_s.startswith('0x'):
# default to lower-case if no a-fA-F in string
if self.resolver.processing_version > (1, 1) and value_s[2] == '0':
width = len(value_s[2:])
hex_fun = HexInt # type: Any
for ch in value_s[2:]:
if ch in 'ABCDEF': # first non-digit is capital
hex_fun = HexCapsInt
if ch in 'abcdef':
if underscore is not None:
underscore[1] = value_su[2] == '_'
underscore[2] = len(value_su[2:]) > 1 and value_su[-1] == '_'
return hex_fun(
sign * int(value_s[2:], 16),
elif value_s.startswith('0o'):
if self.resolver.processing_version > (1, 1) and value_s[2] == '0':
width = len(value_s[2:])
if underscore is not None:
underscore[1] = value_su[2] == '_'
underscore[2] = len(value_su[2:]) > 1 and value_su[-1] == '_'
return OctalInt(
sign * int(value_s[2:], 8),
elif self.resolver.processing_version != (1, 2) and value_s[0] == '0':
return sign * int(value_s, 8)
elif self.resolver.processing_version != (1, 2) and ':' in value_s:
digits = [int(part) for part in value_s.split(':')]
base = 1
value = 0
for digit in digits:
value += digit * base
base *= 60
return sign * value
elif self.resolver.processing_version > (1, 1) and value_s[0] == '0':
# not an octal, an integer with leading zero(s)
if underscore is not None:
# cannot have a leading underscore
underscore[2] = len(value_su) > 1 and value_su[-1] == '_'
return ScalarInt(sign * int(value_s), width=len(value_s), underscore=underscore)
elif underscore:
# cannot have a leading underscore
underscore[2] = len(value_su) > 1 and value_su[-1] == '_'
return ScalarInt(
sign * int(value_s), width=None, underscore=underscore, anchor=node.anchor
elif node.anchor:
return ScalarInt(sign * int(value_s), width=None, anchor=node.anchor)
ret_val = MyScalarInt(sign * int(value_s))
ret_val.lc = ruamel.yaml.comments.LineCol()
ret_val.lc.line = node.start_mark.line
ret_val.lc.col = node.start_mark.column
return ret_val
def construct_yaml_bool(self, node):
# type: (Any) -> Any
b = super(MyConstructor, self).construct_yaml_bool(node)
if node.anchor:
ret_val = MyScalarBoolean(b, anchor=node.anchor)
ret_val = MyScalarBoolean(b)
ret_val.lc = ruamel.yaml.comments.LineCol()
ret_val.lc.line = node.start_mark.line
ret_val.lc.col = node.start_mark.column
return ret_val
MyConstructor.add_constructor('tag:yaml.org,2002:int', MyConstructor.construct_yaml_int)
MyConstructor.add_constructor('tag:yaml.org,2002:bool', MyConstructor.construct_yaml_bool)