由 codegen 工具生成的 Swagger api 客户端仅创建返回类型为void的测试方法。如何测试我的休息 api?


 @Api(value = "Authentication Recovery")

public class AuthenticationRecoveryResource implements Authentication{

        value = "Recover access token"
        , notes = "Recover access token assigned to the user (once it has been authenticated)"
        , response = TokenJAXB.class
        //, responseContainer = "List"
@ApiResponses(value = { 
        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK, message = "Authorized access") ,
        @ApiResponse(code = HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED, message = "Unauthorized access") 
public Response authenticate(
        @ApiParam(value="Username", required=true) @FormParam("username") String username,
        @ApiParam(value="Password", required=true) @FormParam("password") String password) 


  * API tests for AuthenticationRecoveryApi

public class AuthenticationRecoveryApiTest {

private final AuthenticationRecoveryApi api = new AuthenticationRecoveryApi();

 * Recover access token
 * Recover access token assigned to the user (once it has been authenticated)
 * @throws ApiException
 *             if the Api call fails
public void authenticateTest() throws ApiException {
    String username = null;
    String password = null;
    api.authenticate(username, password);

    // TODO: test validations

我已经生成了一个招摇的客户端 api:

java -jar swagger-codegen-2.2.3/modules/swagger-codegen-cli/target/swagger-codegen-cli.jar generate -i http://localhost:8080/myproject/services/service0/swagger.json -l java -o client/myproject/java

1 回答 1


Java生成器尽其所能Swagger Codegen- 它具有带有函数的测试代码(更像是函数存根),您可以在其中填写要传递给 API 端点的参数值,例如变量String usernameString password。之后,调用 api 端点。

在 api 调用(api.authenticate(username, password)上面)之后,您必须以某种方式验证响应是否成功。根据您的 API,这需要一个人工元素,并且// TODO注释是您执行相同操作的提示。

如果 API 调用成功,您什么也不做,并且 void 函数退出。否则,您的代码需要ApiException按照注释中的说明抛出一个。

于 2017-08-20T04:30:24.597 回答