我正在将 Google Natural Language API 用于带有情感分析的项目标记文本。我想将我的 NL 结果存储为 JSON。如果直接向 Google 发出 HTTP 请求,则会返回 JSON 响应。
但是,当使用提供的 Python 库时,会返回一个对象,并且该对象不能直接 JSON 序列化。
import os
import sys
import oauth2client.client
from google.cloud.gapic.language.v1beta2 import enums, language_service_client
from google.cloud.proto.language.v1beta2 import language_service_pb2
class LanguageReader:
# class that parses, stores and reports language data from text
def __init__(self, content=None):
# attempts to autheticate credentials from env variable
except oauth2client.client.ApplicationDefaultCredentialsError:
print("=== ERROR: Google credentials could not be authenticated! ===")
print("Current enviroment variable for this process is: {}".format(os.environ['GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS']))
print("to set the authentication credentials manually")
self.language_client = language_service_client.LanguageServiceClient()
self.document = language_service_pb2.Document()
self.document.type = enums.Document.Type.PLAIN_TEXT
self.encoding = enums.EncodingType.UTF32
self.results = None
if content is not None:
def read_content(self, content):
self.document.content = content
self.language_client.analyze_sentiment(self.document, self.encoding)
self.results = self.language_client.analyze_sentiment(self.document, self.encoding)
sample_text="I love R&B music. Marvin Gaye is the best. 'What's Going On' is one of my favorite songs. It was so sad when Marvin Gaye died."
resp = LanguageReader(sample_text).results
print resp
document_sentiment {
magnitude: 2.40000009537
score: 0.40000000596
language: "en"
sentences {
text {
content: "I love R&B music."
sentiment {
magnitude: 0.800000011921
score: 0.800000011921
sentences {
text {
content: "Marvin Gaye is the best."
begin_offset: 18
sentiment {
magnitude: 0.800000011921
score: 0.800000011921
sentences {
text {
content: "\'What\'s Going On\' is one of my favorite songs."
begin_offset: 43
sentiment {
magnitude: 0.40000000596
score: 0.40000000596
sentences {
text {
content: "It was so sad when Marvin Gaye died."
begin_offset: 90
sentiment {
magnitude: 0.20000000298
score: -0.20000000298
这不是 JSON。它是 google.cloud.proto.language.v1beta2.language_service_pb2.AnalyzeSentimentResponse 对象的一个实例。并且它没有 __dict__ 属性属性,因此不能使用 json.dumps() 进行序列化。
如何指定响应应为 JSON 或将对象序列化为 JSON?