I have a IBM websphere MQ .net client application which uses amqmdnet dll. It works fine but I am not able to read messages in event(subscription) based manner. Reading online I found that XMS library has in-built subscriber methods.

I am also looking at scalability of the .net client application which will allow a cluster of nodes reading the same MQ pipeline. My objective is to create a .net message consumer which supports

  • point-to-point & publish/subscribe method

  • Cluster of nodes connecting to same queue and consuming messages.

  • Remove the messages from pipeline once it is persisted.

Which of the method is preferred in such scenario?


1 回答 1


.NET 的 IBM MQ 类 (amqmdnet.dll) 和 .NET 的 IBM 消息服务 API (XMS .NET) 都支持 IBM MQ 的大多数特性:两者都支持点对点和发布/订阅。两者都支持从单个队列连接和消费的多个客户端。两者都支持工作单元。两者都得到 IBM 的完全支持。

XMS .NET 支持 MessageListener 对象以简化从队列中的消费。在用于 .NET 的 IBM MQ 类中,您需要编写自己的函数以从队列中使用。

IBM Technote " XMS .NET – An Overview很好地概述了 XMS .NET 的特性。

于 2017-08-14T20:06:48.777 回答