下面显示的我的程序是从 CSV 文件中读取数据并将其导入到PSSE
我的下一个目标是从我放入 excel 文件的新列中读取新数据COLUMNS[G to L]
。我试图将这些数据实现到这个函数psspy.two_winding_chng(from_busnum, to_busnum,VMAX,VMIN,'character value')
中 G 到 K 列的顺序与函数值类似。最后一个参数必须实现为字符串值。所以另一件事是在 excel 上读取一个变量并将其作为字符串传输。
最后,我的目标是根据我现在拥有的程序读取 G 列到 L 列中的数据,它需要“年份”和“位置”并打印出 B 列到 E 列。有没有办法做到这一点?同样在 L 列中,该列表示第一年、第二年、第三年等的数据。
有没有办法链接 L 列和 A 列。我不能使用xlrd、pandas模块或任何其他模块,这是学校计算机上唯一安装的模块。Excel 表已发布。A 到 L 列描述为:
"year","busnum","busname","change","tla","location","from","to","max","min", 'character value', "year_linkup"
。我的 CSV 表张贴在这里。[Excel 表][1]
import os, sys
PSSE_LOCATION = r "C:\Program Files (x86)\PTI\PSSE33\PSSBIN"
os.environ['PATH'] = os.environ['PATH'] + ';' + PSSE_LOCATION
import psspy
import redirect
import csv
psspy.throwPsseExceptions = True
from Tkinter
import *
import tkFileDialog
import tkSimpleDialog
import tkMessageBox
root = Tk()
tkMessageBox.showinfo("Welcome", "Please select case: ")
root.fileName = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(filetypes = (("PSSE CASES",
"*.sav"), ("PSSE CASES", "*.raw*")))
STUDY_CASE = root.fileName
LOAD_GEN_DATAFILE = 'C:\Users\RoszkowskiM\Documents\Working_Program\CSV.csv'
# read the entire CSV into Python.
data = list(csv.reader(open(LOAD_GEN_DATAFILE)))
mydict = {}
for row in data:
year, busnum, busname, change, tla, location = row[0: 6]# convert the types from string to Python numbers
# If this is a year not seen before, add it to the dictionary
if year not in mydict:
mydict[year] = {}
busses_in_year = mydict[year]
if location not in busses_in_year:
busses_in_year[location] = []
# Add the bus to the list of busses that stop at this location
busses_in_year[location].append((busnum, busname, change))
year = raw_input("Please Select Year of Study: ")
commands = ["Millwood-Buchanan", "Astoria-East-Corona", "Bronx",
"Vernon", "Greenwood-
StatenIsland ","
West_49th ","
East_13th ","
Staten_Island ","
East_River ",
"East_View", "DUNWOODIE-SOUTH", "Corona-Jamaica", "Astoria-East-Corona-
Jamaica ",
"Astoria-West-Queensbridge-Vernon", "Astoria-West-Queensbridge"
max_columns = 50
for index, commands in enumerate(commands):
stars_amount = max(max_columns - len(commands), 0)
row = "# {} {}({})".format(commands, "." * stars_amount, index + 1)
location = raw_input(" \n The list above show the TLA Pockets as well as the ID numbers assigned to them ()\n\n Please enter the ID #: ")
# assume CSV has columns as described in the doc string
if year in mydict and location in mydict[year]:
busses_in_year = mydict[year]
print("Here are all the busses at that location for that year and the new LOAD TOTAL: ")
for busnum, busname, change in busses_in_year[location]:
change = float(change)
busnum = int(busnum)
print('Bus #: %d' % busnum, 'Area Station: %s' % busname, 'New_load: %d MW' % change)
psspy.bsys(1, 0, [0.0, 0.0], 0, [], 1, [busnum], 0, [], 0, [])
psspy.scal_2(1, 0, 1, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
psspy.scal_2(0, 1, 2, [0, 1, 0, 1, 0], [change, 0.0, 0, -.0])