I have nodes that need to connect to NSQ, they need to get all the messages for that topic. To do this, they each create a channel. I am wondering if there is a way for nsqd to clean them up after the consumers have been disconnected?


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NSQ 允许来自文档的“临时通道” :

请注意,名称以字符串#ephemeral 结尾的主题/频道不会被缓冲到磁盘,而是会在传递 mem-queue-size 后丢弃消息。这使得不需要消息保证的消费者能够订阅频道。这些临时通道也将在其最后一个客户端断开连接后消失。

于 2017-08-11T21:01:17.167 回答