我最终使用了自定义标量。如果它在graphene-django中自动转换为更好的标量会更好,但这是我解决这个问题的方法。我用自定义 BigInt 标量编写了一个 converter.py 文件,如果我们有一个大于 MAX_INT 的数字,它使用浮点数而不是整数
# converter.py
from graphene.types import Scalar
from graphql.language import ast
from graphene.types.scalars import MIN_INT, MAX_INT
class BigInt(Scalar):
BigInt is an extension of the regular Int field
that supports Integers bigger than a signed
32-bit integer.
def big_to_float(value):
num = int(value)
if num > MAX_INT or num < MIN_INT:
return float(int(num))
return num
serialize = big_to_float
parse_value = big_to_float
def parse_literal(node):
if isinstance(node, ast.IntValue):
num = int(node.value)
if num > MAX_INT or num < MIN_INT:
return float(int(num))
return num
# schema.py
from .converter import BigInt
class MatchType(DjangoObjectType):
game_id = graphene.Field(BigInt)
class Meta:
model = Match
interfaces = (graphene.Node, )
filter_fields = {}