<p class="normal-gray-txt text-center">
    Choose reference
<form[formGroup=""]="custAppDetail" (ngSubmit=""
fxLayout="column" >
  <div fxLayout = "row" >
    <label fxFlex="1 6 60%"> Architecture file source</label>
    <md-select fxFlex = "3 1 40%" placeholder="abc"
      formControlName="archFileSource" (ngModelChange="")="toNeoGit($event)">
      <md-option* ngFor = "let env of archFileSrc"[value=""] = "env.value" >
        {{ env.viewValue }}
  <div fxLayout = "row" >
    <label fxFlex="1 6 60%"> Architecture file</label>
    <md-select fxFlex = "3 1 40%" placeholder= "Choose file" formControlName= "archFile" >    
      <md - option * ngFor = "let env of ar"[value] = "env.value" >
         { { env.viewValue } }
  <div fxLayout = "row" >
    <label fxFlex="1 6 60%"> Name</label>
    <md-input fxFlex = "3 1 40%" type="text" placeholder="Enter Name"
  <div fxLayout = "row" >
    <label fxFlex="1 6 60%"> Cloud</label>
    <md-select fxFlex = "3 1 40%" placeholder="Choose Chain"
     formControlName="chaintype" (ngModelChange="")="toEnv($event)">
      <md-option* ngFor = "let env of cl"[value=""] = "env.value" >
        {{ env.viewValue }}
  <div fxLayout = "row" >
    <label fxFlex="1 6 60%"> Enviroment</label>
    <md-select fxFlex = "3 1 40%" placeholder="Choose Environment"
      <md-option* ngFor = "let env of enviroment"[value=""] = "env.value" >
        {{ env.viewValue }}
  <div class="box-btn-dialog" [hidden=""]="ftUser">
    <button md-raised-button="" class="auto-btn-prime"
      disabled=""]="!custAppDetail.valid" type="submit">LAUNCH</button>
    <button md-raised-button="" class="auto-btn-gray" md-dialog-close="cancel"

对于第一行 fxLayout="row" 有效,但不适用于其余 4 行,我希望其余行在第一行渲染时渲染。我正在使用 "@angular/core": "^2.4.3","@angular/flex-layout": "2.0.0-beta.1",而且 md-select 的高度也与 md-input 不同; 如何使所有字段的高度相同。


1 回答 1


正如我在评论中提到的,您的 html 中有很多错误代码,例如* ngFor, md-raised-button="", [hidden=""]="ftUser", disabled=""]="!custAppDetail.valid". 一旦你清理了这些东西,代码似乎就可以正常工作了。


<p class="normal-gray-txt text-center">
    Choose reference
<form fxLayout="column" >
  <div fxLayout = "row" class="row-height">
    <label fxFlex="1 6 60%"> Architecture file source</label>
    <md-select fxFlex = "3 1 40%" placeholder="abc">
      <md-option *ngFor = "let env of [1, 2, 3, 4]" >
        {{ env }}
  <div fxLayout = "row" class="row-height">
    <label fxFlex="1 6 60%"> Architecture file</label>
    <md-select fxFlex = "3 1 40%" placeholder= "Choose file">    
      <md-option *ngFor = "let env of [1, 2, 3, 4]" >
        {{ env }}
  <div fxLayout = "row" class="row-height">
    <label fxFlex="1 6 60%"> Name</label>
    <md-input fxFlex = "3 1 40%" placeholder="Enter Name">
  <div fxLayout = "row" class="row-height">
    <label fxFlex="1 6 60%"> Cloud</label>
    <md-select fxFlex = "3 1 40%" placeholder="Choose Chain">
      <md-option *ngFor = "let env of [1, 2, 3, 4]" >
        {{ env }}
  <div fxLayout = "row" class="row-height">
    <label fxFlex="1 6 60%"> Enviroment</label>
    <md-select fxFlex = "3 1 40%" placeholder="Choose Environment">
      <md-option *ngFor = "let env of [1, 2, 3, 4]" >
        {{ env }}
  <div class="box-btn-dialog">
    <button md-raised-button class="auto-btn-prime">LAUNCH</button>
    <button md-raised-button class="auto-btn-gray">CANCEL</button>

Plunker 演示

要修复输入行高问题,请将这些 css 添加到组件的样式表中。

  min-height: 55px;

  margin-top: -15px !important;
于 2017-08-11T18:16:23.357 回答