我已经在 Windows 中安装了 vagrant 1.9.5 和 chefdk 2.0.28 还在路径中添加了 D:\opscode\chefdk\bin\。
但是,当我尝试运行“vagrant up”命令时,出现以下错误。
Bringing machine 'project' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
Vagrant Berkshelf could not find the 'berks' executable in your PATH.
Please download and install the latest version of the ChefDK from:
and follow the installation instructions. Do not forget to add the ChefDK to your PATH.
我还尝试添加不同的路径,例如 D:\opscode\chefdk\、D:\opscode\chefdk\bin\berks、/opt/chefdk/bin,但错误仍然相同。