I'm trying to come up with an algorithm to find URLs in a body of text. I currently have the following code (this was my sit down and hack it out code, and I know there has to be a better way):
statusText.text = @"http://google.com http://www.apple.com www.joshholat.com";
NSMutableArray *urlLocations = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
NSRange currentLocation = NSMakeRange(0, statusText.text.length);
for (int x = 0; x < statusText.text.length; x++) {
currentLocation = [[statusText.text substringFromIndex:(x + currentLocation.location)] rangeOfString:@"http://"];
if (currentLocation.location > statusText.text.length) break;
[urlLocations addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:(currentLocation.location + x)]];
currentLocation = NSMakeRange(0, statusText.text.length);
for (int x = 0; x < statusText.text.length; x++) {
currentLocation = [[statusText.text substringFromIndex:(x + currentLocation.location)] rangeOfString:@"http://www."];
if (currentLocation.location > statusText.text.length) break;
[urlLocations addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:(currentLocation.location + x)]];
currentLocation = NSMakeRange(0, statusText.text.length);
for (int x = 0; x < statusText.text.length; x++) {
currentLocation = [[statusText.text substringFromIndex:(x + currentLocation.location)] rangeOfString:@" www." options:NSLiteralSearch];
if (currentLocation.location > statusText.text.length) break;
[urlLocations addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:(currentLocation.location + 1 + x)]];
//Get rid of any duplicate locations
NSSet *uniqueElements = [NSSet setWithArray:urlLocations];
[urlLocations release];
NSArray *finalURLLocations = [[NSArray alloc] init];
finalURLLocations = [uniqueElements allObjects];
//Parse out the URLs of each of the locations
for (int x = 0; x < [finalURLLocations count]; x++) {
NSRange temp = [[statusText.text substringFromIndex:[[finalURLLocations objectAtIndex:x] intValue]] rangeOfString:@" "];
int length = temp.location + [[finalURLLocations objectAtIndex:x] intValue];
if (temp.location > statusText.text.length) length = statusText.text.length;
length = length - [[finalURLLocations objectAtIndex:x] intValue];
NSLog(@"URL: %@", [statusText.text substringWithRange:NSMakeRange([[finalURLLocations objectAtIndex:x] intValue], length)]);
I feel like it could be improved via the usage of regular expressions or something. Any help in improving this would be greatly appreciated.