I am using tinylog for various features it has. My application needs a very fast asynchronous logging. I can able to log happily. I have only two issues.
1) All my error logs and the info, some debug logs are jumbled into a single file. How can I separate these, such that they come into a single file say "errors.log" and info strings come into another file say "messages.log"?
2) I want the timestamp to be in microseconds that mean like, data: Time in "HH:mm:ss:milli-seconds:Micro-seconds". Is there any way to do?
This is my properties file:
tinylog.writer = rollingfile
tinylog.writer.filename = MessageLogs.txt
tinylog.writer.backups = 1
tinylog.writer.label = timestamp
tinylog.writer.policies = daily, size: 1000KB
tinylog.writingthread = true
tinylog.writingthread.observe = null
tinylog.writingthread.priority = 2
tinylog.format = {date:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:sss} {class}.{method}()\n{level}: {message}