将 Veins 与 Sumo 一起用于车辆网络模拟时出现错误。如果我单独运行 Sumo,流量模拟运行良好,没有任何错误。但是当我与 Sumo 一起运行 Veins 模拟时,Sumo 似乎在加载路由文件时出错。在没有从 Sumo 装载车辆的情况下继续进行 Veins 模拟。Sumo GUI 的错误信息如下:
***Starting server on port 55693 ***
Loading net-file from 'portland-pearl-district.net.xml'... done (552ms).
Warning: Unused states in tlLogic 'GS_1323183749', program '0' in phase 0 after tl-index -1
Warning: Unused states in tlLogic 'GS_1323183750', program '0' in phase 0 after tl-index -1
Loading additional-files from 'portland-pearl-district.poly.xml'... done (87ms).
Loading done.
Error: The edge '5519430#0' within the route for vehicle '0' is not known.
The route can not be build.
Quitting (on error).
Simulation started with time: 0.00
下面是 rou.xml 文件的快照:
<routes xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/routes_file.xsd">
<vehicle id="0" depart="0.00">
<route edges="5519430#0 45701315#1 31804683 27479270 39799366 189618243#1 190534275#0 459643631#0 69333880 138671582 73151943#0"/>
<vehicle id="1" depart="0.00">
<route edges="5521280 189781336#0 5535569#0 39799364#2 189618701 418881460 31724224 189618702#0 gneE0 39799365#4 39799365#7 39799365#8 39799365#12 160826987 118957876 118957873 159410080#0 159410080#3 159410080#4 32653964#0"/>
<vehicle id="2" depart="0.00">
<route edges="5522371#0 150570455#3 150570455#5 150570455#9 150570455#13 118767064 221226627#0 5522879 189781349"/>
<vehicle id="3" depart="0.00">
<route edges="123622099#2 189781333#1 15915234#1 15915234#2 15915234#5 23592541#0 5535400 189781336#0 5535569#0 39799364#2 189618701 418881460 31724224"/>
<vehicle id="4" depart="0.00">
<route edges="5514406 5519546#0 5519546#1 5519430#0 45701315#1 31804683 27479270 39799366 189618243#1 190534275#0 gneE0 39799365#4 39799365#7 124395214#8 124395214#12 118962440#1 118962440#4"/>