我的视图中有两个字段,但是要保存的是我的问题,这两个带有 Pivot 的字段具有相同的模型
// 1-n relationship
'label' => "Contacts Business", // Table column heading
'type' => "contacts",
'name' => 'contactsbusiness', // Column that contains the ID of that connected entity;
'entity' => 'contactsbusiness', // Method that defines the relationship in your Model
'attribute' => "name", // Foreign key attribute that is shown to user
'idcontact' => '1',
'model' => "App\Models\Contact", // Foreign key model
'pivot' => true,
// 1-n relationship
'label' => "Contacts IS+T", // Table column heading
'type' => "contacts",
'name' => 'contactsist', // Column that contains the ID of that connected entity;
'entity' => 'contactsist', // Method that defines the relationship in your Model
'attribute' => "name", // Foreign key attribute that is shown to user
'idcontact' => '2',
'model' => "App\Models\Contact", // Foreign key model
'pivot' => true,
public function contactsbusiness()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Models\Contact','applications_contacts')
->where('type_contact_id', 1)
public function contactsist()
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Models\Contact','applications_contacts')
->where('type_contact_id', 2)