I have the unfortunate task of fixing a legacy ASP site that was migrated to Windows Server 2003, and I know nothing about ASP. The main issue appears to be with ASPSmartUpload, of which I have version 2.3 installed. According to http://foradvice.net/smart_upload_faq.htm:

FAQ: does aspSmartUpload work on Windows 2003 server ?

Yes, last versions of aspSmartUpload work fine on the Windows 2003 server. If you upgrade your OS and used an old version of aspSmartUpload, you have to download and setup aspSmartUpload 3.2+.

Of course, aspsmart.com doesn't respond and any Google result for "aspsmartupload 3.2" points to the dead link. The latest version I can find anywhere is v3.0, on some dodgy-looking DLL download site.

What is the best way to resolve this, or can anyone provide a working link to version 3.2 of ASPSmartUpload? Thanks!


2 回答 2


在找到这些 dll 之前,我们搜索了很长时间。

这是告诉您如何安装它 的ASPSMARTUPLOAD.DLL 使用页面的链接以及下载 3.3 版的链接。

据我了解,windows server 2008 需要 3.2 或更高版本,但我们找不到 3.2 版本。我相信 3.3 版也能正常工作。

另一项,我们必须获得 msvbvm50.dll VB 运行时才能在 windows server 2008 上运行。


于 2014-12-03T17:47:39.100 回答

幸运的是,我有一份原始 v3.3 发行版的副本。我已经在这里分享了。

于 2015-02-26T16:56:40.303 回答