我试图使用字典来查找incolumn Fkey in column C

1. key incolumn C将有多个相同的值2. 我想根据key
总结所有并返回column F"RAW" Range("C2")






Option Explicit

Private Lrow As Long
Private oDict As Object

Private Sub CreateDict()
    Dim arrValues As Variant, oKey As Variant, oValue As Variant, i As Long

'Find Master Item List Japan
    Dim Master As Workbook
    Dim t As Workbook

    For Each t In Workbooks
    If Left(t.Name, 16) = "Master Item List" Then
        Set Master = Workbooks(t.Name)
    End If
Next t

    Set oDict = Nothing
    If oDict Is Nothing Then

        Set oDict = New Scripting.Dictionary

    End If
    ' Add items to the dictionary
    ' Load values of used range to memory
    arrValues = Master.Sheets("Sheet2").UsedRange.Value
    ' Assuming the Key is on first column and Value is on next
    For i = 2 To UBound(arrValues)
        oKey = arrValues(i, 3)
        oValue = arrValues(i, 6)
        If Len(oKey) > 0 Then
            If oDict.Exists(oKey) Then
                ' Append Value to existing key
                oDict(oKey) = oDict(oKey) + oValue
                ' Add Key and value
                oDict(oKey) = oValue
            End If
        End If
    Next i
End Sub

Function GetList(ByVal oRange As Range) As Variant
    If oDict Is Nothing Then CreateDict
'    Static oDict As Scripting.Dictionary 'precerved between calls
   If oDict.Exists(oRange.Value) Then
        GetList = oDict.Item(oRange.Value)
'   Else
'         GetList = 0
   End If
End Function


Option Explicit

Private lRow As Long
Private oDict As Object

Private Sub CreateDict()
    Dim arrValues As Variant, oKey As Variant, oValue As Variant, i As Long

'Find Master Item List Japan
    Dim Master As Workbook
    Dim t As Workbook

    For Each t In Workbooks
    If Left(t.Name, 16) = "Master Item List" Then
        Set Master = Workbooks(t.Name)
    End If
Next t

    Set oDict = Nothing
    If oDict Is Nothing Then

        Set oDict = New Scripting.Dictionary

    End If
    ' Add items to the dictionary
    ' Load values of used range to memory
    arrValues = Master.Sheets("Sheet2").UsedRange.Value
    ' Assuming the Key is on first column and Value is on next
    For i = 1 To UBound(arrValues)
        oKey = arrValues(i, 3)
        oValue = arrValues(i, 6)
        If Len(oKey) > 0 Then
            If oDict.Exists(oKey) Then
                ' Append Value to existing key
                oDict.Item(oKey) = oDict.Item(oKey)
                ' Add Key and value
                oDict.Add oKey, oValue
            End If
        End If
End Sub

Function GetList(ByVal oRange As Range) As Long
    If oDict Is Nothing Then CreateDict
'    Static oDict As Scripting.Dictionary 'precerved between calls
    If oDict.Exists(oRange.Value) Then
        GetList = oDict.Item(oRange.Value)
        GetList = 0
    End If
End Function

根据@YowE3k 评论,我尝试执行GetFile函数并得到如下图所示的结果。
不太清楚为什么最后一个返回 0




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