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如果它是一个矩形网格并且大多数网格正方形将包含一些东西,一个好的数据结构是一个二维数组(数组的数组),数组的每个元素代表 1 行,内部数组的每个元素代表该行中的 1 个单元格,这是一个包含与该单元格相关的数据的对象(可以将相邻单元格移动到哪些单元格,单元格包含什么,上面是否有字符)。
Every vertex of the graph is a cell that's passable. Edges represent the pairs of cells which you can move between (you can make it a directed graph if some doors are one-way only). Every vertex/cell is an object containing info on that cell (e.g. its location in the physical maze to be drawn, etc...).
The array-of-arrays structure benefit is that it's VERY easy to draw it, and fairly straight-forward to process (any move is just in/de-crement of an index). Adding/removing walls is as easy as changing data in 2 neighboring cells' array elements.
图结构的好处是,如果迷宫通道非常稀疏(例如只有 1/100 的字段是通道),它占用的空间要少得多;它是唯一可以表示随机(例如非矩形网格)几何形状的结构,并且处理相当简单。添加/删除墙壁很容易,因为它只是在图形中添加一条边。