调试截图:http: //img1.uploadscreenshot.com/images/orig/12/36121481470-orig.jpg
请注意 x, y 如何具有值(我不知道为什么 x 和 y 在 for 循环中停在 69 - x 应该上升到 86 和 y 到 183)但 r 根本没有任何价值。(变量不存在?什么?)我应该如何解决这个问题?
public float[] cht(int[,] matrix)
float[] xyrd = new float[4];
int xthreshold, ythreshold;
float slope;
double dir;
float zone;
int[] limitsStorage = new int[3] { matrix.GetLength(0), matrix.GetLength(1), matrix.GetLength(0) / 2 - 10 };
short[,,] accumulator = new short[limitsStorage[0]+1, limitsStorage[1]+1,limitsStorage[2]+1];
for (int x = 0; x < limitsStorage[0]; x++)
{ //first dimension loop of matrix 100
for (int y = 0; y < limitsStorage[1]; y++)
{ //second dimension loop of matrix 120
if (matrix[x, y] == 225)
{//the data at the for loop location is a 1 and not 0 hit.
xthreshold = x - limitsStorage[0] / 2;
ythreshold = y - limitsStorage[1] / 2;
//forget angle, search slope: float angle = xthreshold > 0 ? ((float)Math.Atan2(xthreshold, ythreshold)) : ((float)Math.Atan2(xthreshold, ythreshold) + 180);
slope = xthreshold / ythreshold;
//initiate if loops.
dir = 180 + Math.Round(Math.Atan2(ythreshold, xthreshold) * 57.2957 / 45, 0) * 45 + 45 * (Math.Round(((Math.Atan2(ythreshold, xthreshold) * 57.2957) % 45) / 45));
if (slope > .404 || slope < -.404)
if (slope < 2.3558 || slope > -2.3558)
if (xthreshold > 0)
if (ythreshold > 0)
//+x+y zone
zone = 45 + 180;
//+x-y zone
zone = 180 - 45;
if (ythreshold > 0)
//-x+y zone
zone = 360 - 45;
//-x-y zone
zone = 45;
else if (ythreshold > 0)
//+y zone
zone = 360 - 90;
//-y zone
zone = 90;
else if (xthreshold > 0)
//+x zone
zone = 180;
//-x zone
zone = 0;
for (int R = 6; R < limitsStorage[2]; R++)
{ //Radius loop for scan 44
float delta = (float)((1 / R) * 57.2957);
for (float Theta = zone - 25; Theta < zone + 25; Theta += delta)
accumulator[(int)(((R * Math.Cos(Theta / 57.2957)) < 0 || (R * Math.Cos(Theta / 57.2957)) > limitsStorage[0]) ? 0 : R * Math.Cos(Theta / 57.2957)), (int)(((R * Math.Sin(Theta / 57.2957)) < 0 || (R * Math.Sin(Theta / 57.2957)) > limitsStorage[1]) ? 0 : R * Math.Sin(Theta / 57.2957)),R]++;
//btw, 0,0,R is always the non-center area.
for (int x = 1; x < limitsStorage[0]; x++)
for (int y = 1; y < limitsStorage[1]; y++)
for (int r = 6; r < limitsStorage[2]; r++)
if (xyrd[3] > accumulator[x, y, r])
xyrd[0] = x;
xyrd[1] = y;
xyrd[2] = r;
xyrd[3] = accumulator[x, y, r];
if (accPrint)
//do something for debugging?
accPrint = false;
return xyrd;