I have updated a web page that I didn't create. I worked locally perfecting the new layout which was fine.

However when I moved it to the server, a lot of styles didn't apply.

In troubleshooting, I found that the styles that weren't working on the server were listed as "Author Stylesheet" styles locally (in Safari Dev Tools). There are no inline styles nor is there a style tag in the HTML. The other external stylesheets show the name of the stylesheet with the line of where to find the style.

How can figure out what the source of the Author Stylesheet actually is?


2 回答 2


我不确定这是否 100% 准确,但我相信如果命名为 default.css,Safari 将不会显示 css 文件的名称。就我而言,Chrome 工具显示文件名(不仅仅是“作者样式表”)。

于 2017-08-10T20:12:34.837 回答

韦恩,我不认为你可以在上面声明 CSS 文件的作者。您必须从 CSS 服务器传递错误的名称或语言环境,是否找到了所有 CSS?你不是在本地使用 css 还是在应用程序中使用 .min.css?用户谷歌浏览器在控制台选项卡中查看 wgat 是您的样式表的问题。

于 2017-08-03T15:45:51.200 回答