
我有一个构造函数,它使用承诺的 dynogels 从 DynamoDB 获取数据以填充对象的部分属性。因此,在实例化该对象的实例后,该属性未填充,这里是代码的摘录:

export class QueryAuthoriser {
  authPerms: [AuthPerms];

  constructor (data: string) {
    AuthPermsDDB.scan().execAsync().then ( (perms) => {
      perms.Items.forEach(element => {
        this.authPerms[element.name] = <AuthPerms> element.attrs
    }).catch (err => {
      console.log ('%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Err loading authPerms: ', err)

  authFieldAccess (fieldName: string, args?:any): Promise<boolean> {
    return new Promise ((resolve, reject) => {
      console.log ('________________ authFieldAccess called for: ', fieldName)
      console.log ('________________ this.authPerms entry: ', this.authPerms[fieldName])
      resolve (true)




1 回答 1




选项 #1:不要在构造函数中执行任何异步操作。 然后,添加一个具有适当名称的新方法,该方法执行异步操作并返回一个 Promise。

在您的情况下,您可以将新方法设为scan()返回承诺。然后,您可以通过创建对象来使用它,然后调用 scan,然后使用返回的 promise 来了解数据何时有效。

我自己不知道 TypeScript,所以我会给出你代码的修改版本,但是无论是 TypeScript 还是纯 Javascript,概念都是一样的:

export class QueryAuthoriser {
  authPerms: [AuthPerms];

  constructor (data: string) {

  scan () {
    return AuthPermsDDB.scan().execAsync().then ( (perms) => {
      perms.Items.forEach(element => {
        this.authPerms[element.name] = <AuthPerms> element.attrs
    }).catch (err => {
      console.log ('%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Err loading authPerms: ', err)


// usage
let obj = new QueryAuthoriser(...);
obj.scan(...).then(() => {
    // the object is full initialized now and can be used here
}).catch(err => {
    // error here

选项 #2:在构造函数中启动异步操作,并在实例数据中使用 promise 让调用者知道一切何时完成。

export class QueryAuthoriser {
  authPerms: [AuthPerms];

  constructor (data: string) {
    this.initialScan = AuthPermsDDB.scan().execAsync().then ( (perms) => {
      perms.Items.forEach(element => {
        this.authPerms[element.name] = <AuthPerms> element.attrs
    }).catch (err => {
      console.log ('%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Err loading authPerms: ', err)


// usage
let obj = new QueryAuthoriser(...);
obj.initialScan.then(() => {
    // the object is full initialized now and can be used here
}).catch(err => {
    // error here


export createQueryAuthorizer;

function createQueryAuthorizer(...) {
    let obj = new QueryAuthorizer(...);
    return obj._scan(...).then(() => {
        // resolve with the object itself
        return obj;

class QueryAuthoriser {
  authPerms: [AuthPerms];

  constructor (data: string) {

  _scan () {
    return AuthPermsDDB.scan().execAsync().then ( (perms) => {
      perms.Items.forEach(element => {
        this.authPerms[element.name] = <AuthPerms> element.attrs
    }).catch (err => {
      console.log ('%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Err loading authPerms: ', err)


// usage
createQueryAuthorizer(...).then(obj => {
    // the object is fully initialized now and can be used here
}).catch(err => {
    // error here

出于几个原因,我更喜欢选项#3 。它在工厂函数中捕获了一些共享代码,每个调用者都必须在其他方案中执行这些代码。它还阻止对对象的访问,直到它被正确初始化。其他两种方案只需要文档和编程纪律,很容易被滥用。

于 2017-08-02T03:47:31.597 回答