最近我正在将我的编程环境从 CentOS 切换到 Windows。我是 Emacs 的粉丝,所以我也想用 Emacs 在 Windows 上编程。一切都进行得很顺利,但是当我使用 emacs 语义来解析系统包含时,问题就来了。

似乎emacs语义会选择解析哪个文件,哪个不解析。我指定了用于解析 emacs 的 MS Visual Studio 包含目录,但它不会。我也尝试过 MinGW 头文件,但 emacs 只解析其中的几个文件。我的 init.el 文件是这样的

(defun my-semantic-hook()
  (semantic-add-system-include "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\\VC\\include")

我不知道我是否应该在 Windows 上的 emacs 中使用 / 或 \,但似乎两者都可以。如果我使用semantic-c-describe-environment输出是

This file’s project include is handled by:
    EDE : #<ede-cpp-root-target ede-cpp-root-target>
     with the system path:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include

  This file’s system include path is:
    c:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0/VC/include/

可以看到我也试过用EDE来指定系统包含路径,但是也没用。但是,语义的其他功能效果很好。如果我编写#include "lib1.h"#include "headers/lib1.h"使用 EDE #include <myproj/headers/lib1.h>,它们都运行良好。但是,当涉及到 VS 包含文件或 MinGW 包含文件时,事情就会出错。我想如果语义首先检查文件,发现有问题,那么它只是跳过文件?那么我该如何解决这个问题呢?

现在问题有了新的进展。我已经尝试使用 SDL2 库在我的旧项目中使用语义。在我为 EDE 编写项目配置并打开其中一个源文件后,发生了一些事情。语义解析一些系统包含的文件,如 stdio.h。然后我可以通过语义跳转到它。

然后我使用 iostream 尝试了另一个文件。然而语义仍然没有解析它。但是我可以使用C-c , u命令跳转到文件并手动调用语义来解析它。然后我使用 iostream 回到我的原始文件,使用语义的公司后端现在可以很好地工作。

所以现在我可以确保问题在于语义不解析文件本身。也许是因为它只解析文件名末尾带有 .h 或 .c 的文件?但是在 linux 上它适用于像 iostream 这样的文件,为什么在 windows 上它不会呢?如何解决?


1 回答 1

  1. 添加系统包括示例:

        (semantic-reset-system-include 'c-mode)
        (dolist (x 'your-system-includes)
          (semantic-add-system-include x 'c-mode))
  2. 添加项目根目录:

    (setq semanticdb-project-roots 'your-project-roots)

在更合理的 Emacs中有一个实现,用于在cc.el中找到正确的系统包括 Windows、Darwin 和 Linux 上system-cc-include的 路径

;;;; -*- lexical-binding:t -*-
;; More reasonable Emacs on MacOS, Windows and Linux
;; https://github.com/junjiemars/.emacs.d
;; cc.el

(platform-supported-when windows-nt

  (defun check-vcvarsall-bat ()
    "Return the path of vcvarsall.bat if which exists."
    (let* ((pfroot (windows-nt-posix-path (getenv "PROGRAMFILES")))
           (vsroot (concat pfroot " (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/"))
           (vswhere (concat vsroot "Installer/vswhere.exe")))
       (or (let* ((cmd (shell-command* (shell-quote-argument vswhere)
                         "-nologo -latest -property installationPath"))
                  (bat (and (zerop (car cmd))
                            (concat (string-trim> (cdr cmd))
             (when (file-exists-p bat) bat))
           (let* ((ver (car (directory-files vsroot t "[0-9]+" #'string-greaterp)))
                  (bat (concat ver "/BuildTools/VC/Auxiliary/Build/vcvarsall.bat")))
             (when (file-exists-p bat) bat)))))))

(platform-supported-when windows-nt

  (defun make-cc-env-bat ()
    "Make cc-env.bat in `exec-path'."
    (let ((vcvarsall (check-vcvarsall-bat))
          (arch (downcase (getenv "PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE"))))
      (when vcvarsall
         (concat "@echo off\n"
                 "rem generated by More Reasonable Emacs https://github.com/junjiemars/.emacs.d\n\n"
                 "pushd %cd%\n"
                 "cd /d \"" (file-name-directory vcvarsall) "\"\n"
                 "call vcvarsall.bat " arch "\n"
                 "set CC=cl" "\n"
                 "set AS=ml" (if (string-match "[_a-zA-Z]*64" arch) "64" "") "\n"
                 "echo \"%INCLUDE%\"\n")
         (v-home% ".exec/cc-env.bat"))))))

(defun check-cc-include ()
  "Return cc include paths list."
  (platform-supported-if windows-nt
      ;; Windows: msvc
      (let ((cmd (shell-command* (make-cc-env-bat))))
        (when (zerop (car cmd))
          (mapcar (lambda (x) (windows-nt-posix-path x))
                   (car (nreverse 
                         (split-string* (cdr cmd) "\n" t "\"")))))))
    ;; Darwin/Linux: clang or gcc
    (let ((cmd (shell-command* "echo '' | cc -v -E 2>&1 >/dev/null -")))
      (when (zerop (car cmd))
         (lambda (p)
           (string-match "End of search list." p))
          (lambda (p)
            (string-match "#include <...> search starts here:" p))
          (split-string* (cdr cmd) "\n" t "[ \t\n]")))))))

(defvar system-cc-include nil
  "The system include paths used by C compiler.

This should be set with `system-cc-include'")

(defun system-cc-include (&optional cached)
  "Returns a list of system include directories. 

Load `system-cc-include' from file when CACHED is t, 
otherwise check cc include on the fly."
  (let ((c (v-home% "config/.cc-inc.el")))
    (if (and cached (file-exists-p (concat c "c")))
          (load (concat c "c"))
      (let ((paths (platform-supported-if darwin
                       (mapcar (lambda (x)
                                 (string-trim> x " (framework directory)"))
        (when (save-sexp-to-file
               `(setq system-cc-include ',paths) c)
          (byte-compile-file c))
        (setq system-cc-include paths)))))

(provide 'cc)


(defun set-semantic-cc-env! (&optional project-includes project-roots preprocessors)
    "Use `semantic-mode' in`c-mode'.

PROJECT-INCLUDES specify C include directories
via `semantic-add-system-include',
check it by `semantic-dependency-system-include-path'.'

PROJECT-ROOTS specify C project root directories
via `semanticdb-_project-roots'.

PREPROCESSORS specify C preprocessors
via `semantic-lex-c-preprocessor-symbol-map'

Use `semantic-c-describe-environment' to describe the current C environment."
    (semantic-reset-system-include 'c-mode)

    (dolist (x (append (when-fn% system-cc-include cc
                         (system-cc-include t))
      (semantic-add-system-include x 'c-mode))

    (setq% semanticdb-project-roots project-roots semantic/db)

    (when-fn% global-semantic-idle-summary-mode semantic

    (when-fn% semantic-ia-fast-jump semantic
      (define-key semantic-mode-map (kbd "C-c , f") #'semantic-ia-fast-jump))

    (when-fn% semantic-ia-complete-symbol semantic
      (define-key semantic-mode-map (kbd "C-c , TAB") #'semantic-ia-complete-symbol))

    (setq% semantic-lex-c-preprocessor-symbol-map
           preprocessors semantic/bovine/c)))
于 2018-04-09T03:36:20.013 回答