我在一个类上使用 AudioKit 的 AKMIDIListener 协议来监听 MIDI 消息。这适用于标准消息,例如Note On,但SysEx消息无法通过。

func receivedMIDINoteOn(noteNumber: MIDINoteNumber, velocity: MIDIVelocity, channel: MIDIChannel) {
    NSLog("Note On \(noteNumber), \(velocity), \(channel)") // works perfectly
func receivedMIDISystemCommand(_ data: [MIDIByte]) {
    NSLog("SysEx \(data)") // never triggers

    // More code to handle the messages...

SysEx 消息是从外部硬件或测试软件发送的。我已经使用 MIDI 监控应用程序来确保消息被正确发送,但在我的应用程序中它们没有触发receivedMIDISystemCommand

接收我丢失的 SysEx 消息是否需要任何其他步骤?



1 回答 1


编辑:感谢您引起我们的注意。SysEx 接收问题现已在 AudioKit 的开发分支中修复:https ://github.com/AudioKit/AudioKit/pull/1017



NSLog("SysEx \(data)")


if let sysExCommand = AKMIDISystemCommand(rawValue: data[0]) {
   print("MIDI System Command: \(sysExCommand)")

AKMIDISystemCommand 会将您的 SysEx 数据转换为更有用的东西,其定义如下:

public enum AKMIDISystemCommand: MIDIByte {
    /// Trivial Case of None
    case none = 0
    /// System Exclusive
    case sysex = 240
    /// Song Position
    case songPosition = 242
    /// Song Selection
    case songSelect = 243
    /// Request Tune
    case tuneRequest = 246
    /// End System Exclusive
    case sysexEnd = 247
    /// Clock
    case clock = 248
    /// Start
    case start = 250
    /// Continue
    case `continue` = 251
    /// Stop
    case stop = 252
    /// Active Sensing
    case activeSensing = 254
    /// System Reset
    case sysReset = 255

-- 马修@audiokit

于 2017-08-03T23:46:53.383 回答