I'm part of a team developing a product using JSF 2.0 and I was asked to investigate the possibility of including FusionCharts free in the app. I have tried different ways of inserting a simple chart in a JSF page but with no luck.

On of the methods involves using the elements OBJECT and EMBED but hhen I try to use them I get a "null source" error from JBoss. From what I could find online (through Google), I am under the impression that 'flashvars' isn't quite compatible with JBoss. Is anyone here able to confirm this? If this is the case, what workaround would you suggest me?

Other ways I also found online didn't show the chart not even an error message.

Thanks in advance.


2 回答 2


很难说出引用的其他方法是什么,但嵌入 Flash 的首选方法是使用 swfobject,这是一个不需要任何特殊标记(也不需要服务器端支持)的 javascript 库。

它归结为为您的 flash 内容准备一个 div,给它一个 id,然后调用一个函数,该函数接受 swf 文件 url、剪辑的大小、flasvars 等。javascript 可以很容易地包含 EL 表达式。

您可能想阅读以下内容:http: //www.adobe.com/devnet/flashplayer/articles/swfobject.html

但请跳到幕后:动态发布部分,您将不会使用静态发布或 GUI。

于 2010-12-30T11:01:22.560 回答

可能的解决方案可能是将 flashvars 的值作为加载图表 swf 文件的用户的查询字符串传递。


于 2011-06-03T09:13:42.600 回答