我正在尝试使用 Spire.doc 在同一页面上的特定位置(x 和 y)上创建带有几个文本框(稍后将添加更多文本框)的 word 文档。但是这段代码正在生成两个页面。有什么帮助吗?
如果采用任何其他方式,则没有必要使用 Spire。请记住,我是编程新手,谢谢。
string TEMPprocitano;
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
public void citanjeReda()
if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
int brojRedova=File.ReadLines(openFileDialog1.FileName).Count();
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(openFileDialog1.FileName);
for (int i = 0; i <= brojRedova; i++)
TEMPprocitano = sr.ReadLine();
f1(); f3();
public void f1() //doc_pers_no 11
StringBuilder F1 = new StringBuilder(TEMPprocitano);
F1.Remove(0, 22);
F1.Remove(11, 698);
//Create a Word document
Document doc = new Document();
Section section = doc.AddSection();
Paragraph paragraph = section.AddParagraph();
//Append a Textbox to paragraph
Spire.Doc.Fields.TextBox tb = paragraph.AppendTextBox(170, 20);
//Set the position of Textbox
tb.Format.HorizontalOrigin = HorizontalOrigin.Page;
tb.Format.HorizontalPosition = 150;
tb.Format.VerticalOrigin = VerticalOrigin.Page;
tb.Format.VerticalPosition = 50;
CharacterFormat format = new CharacterFormat(doc);
format.FontName = "Calibri";
format.FontSize = 11;
format.Bold = false;
Paragraph par1 = tb.Body.AddParagraph();
//Save to file
doc.SaveToFile("job.docx", FileFormat.Docx);
} catch (Exception){}
public void f3() // 32
StringBuilder F3 = new StringBuilder(TEMPprocitano);
F3.Remove(0, 49);
F3.Remove(32, 650);
//Create a Word document
Document doc = new Document();
Section section = doc.AddSection();
Paragraph paragraph = section.AddParagraph();
//Append a Textbox to paragraph
Spire.Doc.Fields.TextBox tb = paragraph.AppendTextBox(170, 20);
//Set the position of Textbox
tb.Format.HorizontalOrigin = HorizontalOrigin.Page;
tb.Format.HorizontalPosition = 250;
tb.Format.VerticalOrigin = VerticalOrigin.Page;
tb.Format.VerticalPosition = 150;
CharacterFormat format = new CharacterFormat(doc);
format.FontName = "Calibri";
format.FontSize = 11;
format.Bold = false;
Paragraph par1 = tb.Body.AddParagraph();
//Save to file
doc.SaveToFile("job.docx", FileFormat.Docx);
} catch (Exception) { }