如何在 WorkboxSW 中使用以下代码为所有每个缓存的 url 注册路由。这个每个缓存的 url 包括也将转到服务器的 ajax!
url : '/MyAPI/Records',
type : 'GET',
success : function(data) {
alert('Records: '+data);
//build urls array to get all records details
var urls = [];
$(data).each(function (index) {
urls.push('/MyAPI/Records/' + data[index].id + '/data')
//add all urls to cache
var requests = urls.map(url => new Request(url));
caches.open('my-cache').then(cache => {
return cache.addAll(requests).then(() => {
// At this point, `cache` will be populated with `Response` objects,
// and `requests` contains the `Request` objects that were used.
}).catch(error => console.error(`Oops! ${error}`));
error : function(request,error)
alert("Request: "+JSON.stringify(request));